Given-Taken // ENHYPEN oneshot

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-Heeseung's POV-
I groaned, feeling hardness below me.
I opened my eyes to see that i was in the middle of the road. I hissed feeling the bright sunlight coming in contact with my skin. I ran to a nearby bathroom and saw that my skin was as pale as snow, fangs and red eyes. I widened my eyes when it struck me..

I'm a vampire

I then fainted.. waking up in the woods

// Sunoo's POV //

I was happily skipping in the lark when i suddenly felt a painful sting on my neck. I touched it and hissed, i looked at my hand and saw blood on it. I suddenly felt like my skin was burning when the sunlight shone on me. I got scared and my feet dragged me towards the woods

// Jake's POV //

I was hanging out with Jay in the woods, laughing. What we didn't knew was, we walked further and further in the woods. We only realized it when we were in the middle of the woods already. Days and nights passed by and we were still following the light through the darkness, believing we could get out

// Sunghoon POV //

"MOM! I ALREADY TOLD YOU, I DON'T WANT TO CONTINUE SKAT- ahh" I groaned, touching my neck.
I left the house, letting my feet drag me anywhere but there.

// No one's POV //

The 5 boys bumped into eachother
"Who r u!?" Heeseung yelled
"Chill.. we all bumped into eachother" Jay said
"What are you doing here?" Jake pointed towards Sunoo
"What do you mean?" Sunoo raised an eyebrow
"Well.. you are technically looking like  a kid so yeah.." Jake scratched the back his neck
Sunoo scoffed
"Anyways, names?" Sunghoon raised one of his eyebrows
"And i am Sunghoon!" Sunghoon clapped
Then suddenly, an arrow was shooted in a tree. The boys widened their eyes and ran

"HURRY!! THEY WENT THERE!!" Hunters were chasing them down
"GUYS! over here!!" Heeseung pointed at a waterfall
"I can't swim tho!" Sunoo whispered
"We can hide behind the waterfall! Not in it!" Heeseung explained and dragged the others with him behind the waterfall.

Behind it was a cave with crystals and a door which opened. It revealed a portal-like interios and the 5 boys agreed to jump in, not wanting to get caught by the hunters


// Jungwon's POV //

"hyung? Why are people yelling at us?" Niki asked me
"I dont know Niki.. but i do know that they dont like us.." I sighed and dragged the younger away
"But why dont th-" we fell down as we bumped into some group of boys
"We are so sorry! Are you both alright?" A voice was heard and we looked up to see five boys looking at us worriedly
"We're fine" me and Niki stood up
"Glad to know.. but why were you running away from that crowd?" One asked
"They dont like us as we are vampire-" I covered Niki's mouth before he finish his sentence
"So you guys are vampires.. too?" One asked
"Yeah? You guys too? Cool!" Niki's eyes sparkled
"Nice! Let's team up!" Another one said
"Oh btw, I'm Heeseung"
"And i am Jungwon and this is Niki" Niki waved at them as we all chuckled
"Let's team up and name our group" Sunoo suggested to which, we all agreed
"How about 7 vampire boys?" We all looked at Jay hyung weirdly
"I know! How about enhypen?" Heeseung asked
"COOL!" we all said in unison

The end🖤

Boii!! This is honestly not that bad ig?
Anyways, we  have a demo tomorrow so i have to sleep. Baii!!

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