you broke me too.. // Y.JW

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-Y/N's POV-
Is it possible to re-do the past?
Because if it was, i would gladly do it
Tho, it still wouldn't be the same..

Flashback.. 7 months ago

"COME ON, Y/N! YOU'RE MAKING SO BIG OF A DEAL ABOUT IT!" Jungwon yelled, frustrated
JUNGWON, YOU LITERALLY FORGOT ABOUT OUR ANNIVERSARY!" I yelled back angrily while glaring at him
"IT WAS URGENT! I ALREADY TRIED TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU BUT YOU ALWAYS PUSH ME AWA-" before Jungwon could even finish his sentence, i pushed him hard forgetting that he was at the edge of the balcony
I widened my eyes and immediately went towards the main door and saw Jungwon lying on the grass, unconcious
I could feel my eyes getting teary
I took out my phone and dialed the ambulance and then called Heeseung, telling all the things that happened..
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Heeseung yelled at me
"IF ONLY YOU COULD HAVE JUST FORGIVED HIM THEN THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!" He continued while pointing at Jungwon who was laying on the bed inside one of the hospital's room, still unconcious
"Hyung, stop!" Jay tried to pull Heeseung away from me but he just yanked Jay's hand off
"If anything happens to Jungwon, i will never forgive you" with that, he left as the others followed, afraid of making Heeseung more mad

I cried my heart out, blaming myself for everything
For being selfish, arrogant, and blameful


I chuckled sadly, remembering the unbearable memory

Ever since that happened, everyone..
Either at school or our neighborhood despised me
Well i deserve it though.. i despise myself too..
But if only they knew.. i'm broken too..

I was at the cafeteria eating my food when i felt a sticky, cold liquid being splashed behind me
"Pfftt.. you look so pathetic" Heeseung said, making a pitiful look
"Serves you right" he said, walking off but something slipped out of my mouth
"If only you knew im broken too.."
"Im sorry.. what?" Heeseung turned around and raised an eyebrow
"Im broken too, y'know? Everynight i want to kill myself for almost killing him. Every moment i keep wondering why im still alive.
Everyday.. i.. i want to just fade from this world and go to hell where i belong" i said as tears fell down my cheeks
Jungwon, who saw everything, was also crying
Crying because he was such an asshole for just letting her get hurt like that
-Jungwon's POV-
I walked towards her from behind and pulled her wrist, dragging her out of there
"Hey! Let go! Let go of m- J-jungwon?"
I looked down and said
"Why.. why was i such a coward to just let you feel like that and.. still look down on the past?" I sobbed
"If you're just here to say sorry, then it's worthless cause you already broke me too.." she said while walking away

I cried
She's right
She's also broken
We're both broken
But there'll always be pieces that's just lost inside us

Im so sorry Heedeungieee :')
And also, why am i suddenly starting to write sad stories?
I mean.. well.. maybe because its just my favorite genre, i guess?
Hope you liked it and baii 💜

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