Upcoming Chapter

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Hey my loves!! Y'all thought this was an update didn't you? Lmaoo I know y'all are wondering, 'the hell is our update?'

But have no fear, an update is near!
LMFAOO that was so damn corny, smh.

Seriously though, my life is just super hectic right now. But I promise I will give you guys an update this week. I've been starting to get update threats lol. I love y'all and ery'thing, but chillllll. Don't kill me man or else there ain't gon' be no book lol.

I'm so overwhelmed of the continued love and support I've been receiving. Y'all obeyed my wishes last chapter, so it's ONLY right I hold my end of the bargain.

So with that being said, keep rockin' wit me y'all and I promise I'll aim to please. You can inbox me what you would like out of this story, what you don't like. I'm all ears. You can't grow if you don't want to learn.

I love y'all like cooked food!


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