Ch. 11: Unthinkable Pt. 1

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**Augusta and Trav at the club in the m/m. Enjoy!


"So, when will I meet this August cat? You've told me about him non-stop for the past few days. So I'm eager to meet the young man who has my daughter wide open." Gary joked.

I smiled and laughed lightly. "Gary, he's amazing. A little rough around the edges, and a bit misunderstood. But I think I kinda love him."


"It's complicated to explain, over these past few months we've only grown close. So.. I guess yea, you can say I love him."

This felt a bit weird telling Gary about my love life. But I figured since we're getting to know each other better, why not?

"He kinda sounds like me as youth. But if he makes you happy, then I'm happy."

These past few days, I have been focusing on getting to know my father, Gary. I have been yearning for this, pretty much all my life. And August, he's been so supportive. He and my dad haven't met yet due to his busy recording schedule. But he finally has a free day today so he's coming over to spend some time. And this would be the perfect opportunity for August and Gary to meet one another. I know they'll click, their personalities seem very similar.

As if on cue, I heard my front door rattle indicating August was here. Me and Gary were in the living room on the couch. I told Gary that I would be right back. I got up, leaving him still seated, and headed toward the front door to greet August. He was expecting to meet Gary any day now but he didn't necessarily know it'd be today.

"Hey Babe." I pecked his lips.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and gave me a squeeze. "W'sup baybeh?"

"I missed you. I feel like I haven't seen you in days." I pouted.

"I know, I know. The label pushin' a nigga and givin' me deadlines to finish certain songs an' shit. But I'll make it up to you." He smirked as he gave my behind a firm squeeze.

"Behave Aug, I have a guest waiting to meet you."

He raised an eyebrow as I smiled at his 'caught off guard' facial expression.

"Follow me."

I grabbed his hand and led him into the living room, where Gary was.

"Um, Gary.. This here is August. August meet Gary, my father."

Gary stood to his feet and examined August. Not in a rude way, though.

"Nice ta' meet you sir." August said.

August stretched out his hand to shake, and Gary obliged, pulling August in for a manly hug. It kind of caught me off guard, but I was cherishing the moment most of all.

"I'm more of a hugger, son. And it's nice to meet you too." He patted August on the shoulder.

"So your the guy my daughter has been talking my damn ear off about, huh?" Gary smiled.

August awkwardly blushed, "Uh yea, I would hope so."

"Well, I'm glad you make her happy. keep it up son."

August nodded in agreement. "She's an ah'mazin' person, so there's nothing I would want more than to make sho' she's good and happy at all times."

"And that's the answer of a real man." Gary patted August's shoulder once more.

By this time, August and I took a seat on the love seat as Gary remained on the couch.

"So August, tell me. What do you do for a living?"

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