Ma Petite Renard

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Hey guys! Enjoy this chapter! xx 🥰

The next day...

'Will she like it? I hope she does.. she knows French doesn't she, she probably doesn't I'm such an idiot!'  Sirius thought to himself.

"Hey Padfoot!" James called out. Sirius was heading to the hospital wing to visit Clara.

"Yeah, Prongs?" he  stopped and turned around.

"You're going to visit Clara, aren't you?" James asked him.

"uh yeah." Sirius wasn't exactly sure how to answer him.

"Great! I'll come with you then." James smirked, and they started walking together. 

"I came up with some pranks we could do, but I'll need her help since Moony won't help us. Perfect that one!" James laughed and elbowed Sirius in the stomach.

Sirius chuckled and hit James playfully on the head.

"Vixen!" James ran in shouting.

"Prongs!" she shouted, and started laughing.

"Hey! No shouting in here!" Madam Pomfrey glared at the two of them, and the three of them laughed the second madam Pomfrey turned her back. 

"Hey Clara, I got you a book you might like," Sirius finally told her, and handed her the book 'Le Roman de Renart'  Read the cover.

"Oooh French!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Do you speak French though, I wasn't sure." Sirius questioned.

"I understand French," Clara nodded, "a bit." She added as an afterthought.

"And you can keep it when you're done, I've already read it." Sirius said as he stroked her hair looking down a her, she smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Alright you two, you done yet?" James looked at them with an annoyed facial expression.

"What's up, James?" Clara turned to him, and Sirius pulled away.

He looked at the both of them then continued, "right, I've come up with a few ideas for pranks, but I need your genius to perfect them." He explained.

"Right, right, yes my genius, show me!" Clara snatched the paper from him. 'Pranks for the Slimy Slytherins'  It read on top of the page, and without hesitation she ripped it into a hundred tiny pieces. 

"Hey! I spent all night on those!" James argued.

"Oh! Oops! Sorry to have seen them fail." Clara smirked and stuck out her tongue. "Madam Pomfrey, can I leave, I feel much, much better!"

"Yes, I suppose. I'd rather not have more of your friends running around here." Pomfrey answered her in exhaustion. 

Clara got up, and ran over to Madam Pomfrey and hugged her. "Thanks for everything, Poppy," at this madam Pomfrey beamed, no student had ever hugged her, and thanked her, and she patted Clara's head.

"Well, off you go darling!" She smiled, trying her best to hold back her tears.

Back at the common room...

Lily, Alice, and Marlene were sitting with Clara, giggling. However, Clara wasn't really giggling, she was just sitting there rolling her eyes. and as soon as Alice spotted her they all started laughing uncontrollably, they all knew what a mood Clara was. 

However, James on the other hand, was explaining to Remus and Peter what Clara had done with his paper "...And she just snatched it out of my hands. and shredded it to pieces! She's mental! Right, Padfoot?" He nudged Sirius, and saw he was staring at Clara.

"That's right, Prongs!" Sirius quickly answered, and they all started laughing. 

A few minutes later...

James and Sirius were sitting in a corner planning something, with regular glimpses at Clara and Remus who were sitting on the couch facing them. "Moony, they're up to something," Clara nudged Remus to look at James and Sirius.

"When are they not?" Remus joked.

"Wait a second, the map Remus!" Clara whispered harshly. "They must've seen us leave on the full moon! How could I have been so stupid!" She let it all out at once.

 Remus turned to Clara with a relaxed look on his face, "they're not done with it, it doesn't work properly yet." He reminded her.

"I think they have, look at the look on their faces, they know something we don't!" Clara protested. "I'm going to ask them" She got up, leaving Remus with a worried look on his face.

"So boys, have you perfected the map yet?" She spoke loudly as she walked towards them.

"Almost." They answered in union, and she nodded and sat beside Sirius. 

"Tell me what your up too." Clara spoke in French.

 Sirius looked at her for a moment, "non." He smiled looking away, Clara rolled her eyes and got up 'what a mood!' she thought to herself. 

At that moment Sirius grabbed her arm and pulled her back down making sure neither James, Remus, or Peter saw him. "You'll find out soon enough, my little fox." He smiled and let go of her arm.

"I'm not your 'little fox!'" Clara stated and strutted off madly to her dorm, the rest not even realizing the short conversation.

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