Bittersweet Endings

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TW: It's sad ngl.

Peter, Clara and Sirius all sat on separate beds in the Hospital Wing with Madam Pomfrey tending to each of them separately and McGonagall standing beside James and Remus.

"Obviously this has become an extremely detrimental case, the five of you seeking out each others blood. What is this exactly?" McGonagall looked at the five expectantly.

Not a single one of the five dared to say a word, they had never seen McGonagall look so angry in all their years at Hogwarts. However, the silence in the Hospital Wing didn't last long when the doors opened with a sudden bang and Professor Dumbledore marched in.

"Miss Potter, I have but three words for you: HOW DARE YOU?!" Dumbledore boomed, causing the rest in the room to tremble in fear. Dumbledore looked around the room to ensure that everyone else was gone before asking Madam Pomfrey to leave the room. "On my school grounds, Miss Potter? Yourself of all people decide to severely threaten another student with the use of one of the unforgivable curses?!"

Clara opened her mouth to explain herself but found that she could not. There was absolutely no reason for her to have done what she did, and trying to justify it would just make her look even more stupid. She looked at McGonagall who wore a confused, shocked and certainly disappointed look on her face; Clara felt even worse than she had before, much worse.

When no one answered Dumbledore, Sirius made a stupid decision of doing so himself. "Professor, I would like to argue that this particular student posed a threat unto Clara before she could've even thought of harming-"

"Mr. Black, I wouldn't exactly categorize you as innocent either. Aiding the person who's so clearly in the wrong and continuing to defend them while justice is being sought is not as charming as it may seem to a person of your type." Dumbledore turned to Sirius, speaking with the most disrespect he had ever shown in front of the students at Hogwarts. "Speaking of which, your background does not exactly make your fraternizing with Miss Potter look any less defiant in the face of school rules. I wouldn't take the stand if I had your past to back you up." He finished, leaving Sirius feeling more terrible than he had ever felt.

McGonagall looked at Dumbledore with distaste then muttered something under her breath. "Mr. Black, if you would kindly follow me outside," she told Sirius and proceeded to walk him outside the Hospital Wing.

"You, bastard." James murmured under his breath, they all looked at him, trying to understand what he said.

"Mr. Potter, I do encourage you to speak up!" Dumbledore exclaimed, folding his arms in discomfort.

"I'd rather not say, Professor, it may offend some of the people in this room and I have never been a fan of insulting others." James spoke, sarcasm dripping off his words like venom off a snakes fangs.

Dumbledore looked away from James dismissively, he felt as though he had strayed away from his focus. "Well, Miss Potter," he looked at Clara with furrowed eyebrows.

Clara was on the verge of tears when she felt Remus place a comforting hand on her shoulder, "do what you'd like to do, Professor, we both know I'm not apologizing to that twat."

"EXPELLED?!" Lily covered her mouth in shock as she watched Clara sit in their dorm and pack her trunk. "I'll tell Dorcas, Marls, Alice, all of them!" She stated and ran out the dorm in a hurry.

"Thank you!" Clara called after her. A small smile crept onto her face as she realized that neither Lily nor Remus were acting all scared of her like they had been at first - even though they had every right to - it was just a comforting thought to Clara.

Clara was taking everything off her shelves as she thought about how her parents would react, would they be furious? Definitely. Would they pity her? No, not in this case. She was making a final scan of the room when she thankfully spotted her broom in the corner, she had got it back just a week ago and hadn't managed any matches since the ban.

"Oh, seriously, Minnie, I don't even get a goodbye match or anything?" Clara spoke to herself. "What if they win the cup without me? Oh, I'm going to beg her to give Sirius his position back we have even less of a chance of winning without him on the team," she sighed and decided that her broom wouldn't fit in her trunk; she'd have to carry it.

"I'm going to miss you so darn much, Potter!" Marlene exclaimed, squeezing Clara while she waited for her parents to arrive. 

The Marauders, Marlene, Lily, Dorcas, Alice, Mary, Lorelei, Jazz, Johanna, Frank, the Prewett twins and Jason all stood greeting Clara with goodbyes. Clara was deeply disappointed when she didn't see Regulus or Severus there, but she hadn't really expected it either. 

"We honestly thought that if any one of us was to get expelled; it would be us," Fabian grinned, gesturing to himself and Gideon making Clara laugh.

"Maybe you could give us a few tips? How to attempt murder, a review, perhaps?" Gideon added and this now sent the entire group into a fit of laughter.

"I have no idea how any of you even showed up to say bye," Clara told them, her smile fading wit the realization that she'd never step foot on Hogwarts grounds again. "I really do need to thank you all for tolerating me throughout the years; I could've never done it without you lot!"

"Oh, shut up, Potter! You're starting waterworks here!" Jazz sniffled then embraced Clara in a tight hug. "I really will miss you, Clara, I've no idea what I'm going to do without your recklessness around,"

"Come on, Jazz, it was your idea to get me into the Common Room that time, if it's anyone, it's you!" Clara rolled her eyes playfully.

"All right, all right, guys, it's time for a group picture!" Lorelei thrusted her camera into the air then proceeded to set it up. 

They all squeezed in for a photo before Clara said her final goodbyes. 

"This isn't a goodbye, Clara, this is a keep-in-touch reminder, and I mean it! Every week I expect a letter, all right? I know for a fact that the next time I see you, you will be a changed person; this time off might just be good for you." Lily said sternly, trying her best not to look sad about Clara's departure. 

"Sirius, this is for McGonagall!" Clara quickly pulled a letter out of her pocket and gave it to Sirius. "Play well out there, Black, my empty position is counting on it and I expect the House Cup; with or without me!" 

Sirius smiled, "I think we've lost us way too many house points to get us anywhere near third place, but we'll win Quidditch; for you."

Clara pulled Sirius into a tight hug. "Seems everyone's forgotten I'm a murderer," she whispered, letting out a laugh.

"Or maybe they just want to be done with you," Sirius joked. He pulled away from Clara, then handed her his shard of glass, "take care, V."

Just when Clara spotted her parents appear before the school gates, a hand caught her shoulder. "Jason," she smiled, "I promise I was planning on telling you goodbye separately!"

"Nonsense, Clara!" Jason chuckled. He handed her an envelope, "that's from Remus, seems he's still a bit in shock; he can't seem to handle your departure. I don't blame him though, I too, am melancholic." He smiled sadly.

"I'm disappointed we didn't spend much time together, after everything," Clara spoke bittersweetly. "You know, Dabroski, you were my first," 

"I'm going to be honest, I wished I'd be your last," Jason frowned. "You and Sirius are a much better fit though and I am glad I still get to be your friend."

Clara pulled Jason into a final hug.

AN: I think I'm finally get my motivation back, thank you to all my devoted readers; you're appreciated.

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