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Hey guys! Sending good vibes your way! Enjoy this chapter🥰 If you guys have any questions you can just message me! Make sure you give me your opinion as well..xx

"Remus, it's the full moon," Clara whispered to him so the rest wouldn't hear them. They were sitting in the Gryffindor common room with the rest of the Marauders. 

"You don't think they've figured it out, do you?" Remus looked at James, Sirius, and Peter as they sniggered.

"No way, they're too dumb to have noticed." She shrugged.

"You'll get James's invisibility cloak right?" Remus confirmed with her.

"Yes." She assured him. 

Soon enough James and Sirius planted themselves on either side of Clara pushing Remus to the side.

"So Vixen, you and Moony seem close yeah?" Sirius nudged her annoyingly.

"Yeah, what's up with you Padfoot, and you Prongs?" she questioned them dryly, clearly being sarcastic.

"We were wondering what you two were talking about!" James grinned.

"Wipe that grin off your face!" Clara snapped, and walked off. Now sitting beside Remus again, as they read their books.

A few minutes later...

"I'm done reading it, here!" Remus handed Clara the book he was reading.

"Oh yes! And just in time too!" She squealed. "I just finished History of Magic" she showed Remus the book, before she dropped it on the ground. "It was really boring, but hey! At least now I won't have to pay attention in class!" She smirked, Remus nodded and laughed.

At 8:00pm sharp...

Clara climbed out of bed, she had already grabbed James's invisibility cloak earlier, put on her jeans, a red sweater, and her boots that she adored, she walked down into the common room and met Remus there. Together, they walked out of the castle, and towards the Whomping Willow. 

"Ready?" He asked her as they saw the full moon.

"Ready." Clara nodded, and Remus started to transform into a wolf. Clara almost forgot but quickly transformed into a fox, hence her marauder name, Vixen. 

When the full moon went down, Clara put the invisibility cloak around her and Remus, and they headed back to the castle. 

When they entered the common room, they looked around to make sure no one was there. Then, the second they removed the invisibility cloak the other three Marauders jumped out of nowhere.

"GOTCHA!" Sirius shouted pointing at them.

"Where were you? And why are you clothes all dirty? And WHY do u have my invisibility cloak?!" James interrogated them.

"Shhhhhh! Lower your voices before you wake the whole castle!" Clara hissed. 

"I was feeling sick, so we went to the hospital wing." Remus lied.

"Likely story, Moony." Sirius rolled his eyes at him.

"Stop playing dumb, and tell me where you were!" James walked over to Clara and snatched the invisibility cloak.

"Eww! You smell like dirt!" He exclaimed, then sniffed his cloak, "Eww now this smells like dirt" he said, looking disgusted and started shaking his cloak.

"Technically, that cloak is mine just as much as it is yours!" Clara argued, and folded her arms.

"Technically nothing, Vixen," Sirius walked up to her and pulled her away from the other three. "Where were you? I was worried about you?" He whispered,

"Liar, you weren't worried you just want to know where we were!" Clara objected stubbornly.

"I won't tell James!" Sirius pleaded. And with that, Clara turned her back at Sirius and said, 

"I really couldn't care less!" and strode off to her dorm. 

Remus walked up to his dorm leaving Sirius, James, and Peter in the common room.

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