Sherbet Lemon

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Clara followed Dumbledore to his office, they stopped in front of griffin statue, "sherbet lemon" Dumbledore said clearly, and a staircase formed leading upwards. "You can wait for me inside I have some business to take care of" Dumbledore told Clara before he walked off. 

She walked up the stairs slowly, it hadn't been her first time there, although it had been a while. She walked into his office which was at the top of the stairs, and looked around admirably, 

"hello Fawkes" she petted the phoenix gently, 

"Potter" she heard a voice sneer, she looked up at one of the shelves, it was the sorting hat talking to her.

"You" she mumbled, "what do you want?" She spoke up confidently, 

"I think I regret placing you in Gryffindor" it grunted, 

"glad you did" she huffed,

"you would've done better in Slytherin you know" the sorting hat confessed.

"Then why didn't you put me there?" Clara questioned it,

"you wanted to be in Gryffindor" the hat replied,

"no, I wouldn't be disappointed to be in Slytherin" she admitted, "I have many friends there",

"are they really your friends?" It asked mysteriously.

"Well of course! Are you implying they're fake you tosser of a hat!" She fumed.

"Ms. Potter" Dumbledore spoke from behind her, she turned around to face him, 

"professor, I'm sorry for my rude ranting-" she began to apologize.

"Nevermind" he interrupted her, "it was quite an interesting conversation to listen to" he smiled. He walked to his desk and sat down, and he gestured for Clara to sit down on the opposite side. 

They started talking about her grades, Dumbledore saying she was improving a lot, Clara even told him about the prank the played on Rosmerta,

"so I dropped the powder next to the door and continued walking in, she didn't notice a thing until it exploded!" Clara laughed, Dumbledore laughed as well quite interested in the prank the played.

"What powder did you use?" He asked her,

"I don't know" she told him, "Sirius just handed it to me and told me to drop it by the door" she explained, and Dumbledore laughed. 

"Now to discuss the matter I have been wanting to talk about" Dumbledore began, "where did you learn to cast a disillusionment charm like that?" He asked interested,

"i read it in a charms book from the restricted section in the library" she explained. "And it sort of just worked out, you know" she shrugged. 

"I see" he paused for a moment, 

"professor do you mind if I ask you a question?" Clara asked him,

"yes of course, ask away" he smiled,

"do you think I belong in Slytherin, and not Gryffindor?" She asked for his opinion,

"I am not one to decide" he answered modestly, she nodded her head. "Clara, you are a very powerful witch" he told her, "there will come a time when you will be stuck in a decision to use your powers for the good of others or for yourself" he continued seriously, she nodded understandably but was actually terrified on the inside, what did he mean. 

"I understand professor, with great power come great responsibility" she nodded, "my father told me that" she started playing with her fingers nervously.

"He is right, you may go back to your dorm" he told her and she got up and left, without looking up. 

She made her way to the dorm wondering, why had he not told me off for being in the Slytherin common room? Or even does he know I performed the imperius curse?  She kept thinking for possible reasons. She walked into the Gryffindor common room and went straight up to her dorm, she hadn't thought about the boys for even a second as she changed into sweatpants, and a simple shirt, she put on her trainers, removed her makeup, and changed her hair back to its original color, dark brown. She grabbed her wand and ran back down to the common room, and out into the corridor. 

She walked up the Ravenclaw tower, and when she reached the door to the common room, the bronze eagle knocker spoke, "which came first, the phoenix, or the flame?", Clara thought for a moment she only had one chance to get it right. 

"A circle has no start" she answered, and the door opened to her response. 

She walked in confidently, Ravenclaws stopped and stared at the Gryffindor girl who had walked into their common room, 

"what are you doing here?" A Ravenclaw prefect asked her,

"borrowing a few books" she told her climbing one of the ladders to reach a book that was high on the shelf.

"This isn't the library" the prefect snapped,

"I noticed" Clara answered simply, 

"you can't just walk in here" another Ravenclaw student stood beside the prefect,

"I do whatever I please" Clara smirked sliding down the ladder with a book in her hand, "besides, I come in peace" she smiled as she began to climb another ladder.

"I think we should let her stay" a Ravenclaw spoke from the crowd of students who were standing beside the prefect, "if she was smart enough to make it in here, she deserves to stay" the sweet girl explained her point, people started nodding in agreement and murmuring amongst themselves, Clara slid down from the ladder now carrying three books. 

"I guess you can borrow from us, but you can't stay here" the prefect sighed, 

"great!" The Gryffindor smiled, "Clara Potter by the way!" She held out her hand,

"Collin" he shook her hand and smiled, "shouldn't stay too long" he remarked.

"I just want to borrow these three books for a bit of light reading, if you don't mind" she shrugged, 

"alright, but make sure you return them" he answered, she nodded and smiled leaving. 

She walked off quickly to the common room, she didn't want to get caught by Filch the caretaker, much to her surprise that was exactly what happened. 

"Thought you'd walk around looking suspicious did you Potter?" He sneered, 

"I'm simply walking to my common room if you don't mind, sir" Clara sassed, 

"better hurry up then" Filch mumbled as he walked away. 

She continued her way to the common room, "Caput Draconis" she told the fat lady portrait and it swung open, she walked in knocking into a bunch of people on her way to the stairs to her dorm. 

"Clara!" Remus grabbed her hand before she walked up the stairs, 

"Remus!" Clara turned around to face him, "you gave me a fright!" She put her hand on her forehead, while breathing heavily. 

"Sorry" he apologized, "where have you been?" He asked her,

"Dumbledores office" she half lied, 

"why, what happened?" Remus's face had a confused look.

"Just discussing my grades" she shrugged, 

"good? Bad?" He look at her concerned,

"good" she let out a slight chuckle. "Blimey it's late, I'm off to bed" Clara gasped to avoid further questions about that night as she looked at Remus's watch on his hand. 

She ran up the stairs quickly before he could say anything, she ran into the bathroom and changed into her pajamas, she slumped on her bed and began reading the books she borrowed, Old and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charms, she was reading vigorously and was eager to learn more, and to be at the top of everything. 

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