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It was the first day of their sixth year, Clara woke up late, she quickly changed into her school robes and tied her hair up in a high ponytail. 

The common room was empty except for seventh years who didn't have class, they all watched her as she stumbled down the stairs quickly, 

"hurry up Potter" one of the prefects called out to her,

"yeah" she spoke hurriedly running out of the common room. 

She ran down the staircases and straight to charms class, she barged in looking all messy and the class started laughing at her, she sent them all glares and sat down beside Peter and Remus. 

"What took you so long?" Peter turned to her to see her fixing her hair again,

"overslept" she sighed,

"we're learning the confundus charm" Remus told her opening her charms book on the right page. 

"Oh that's easy" Clara stated, as she watched Flitwick demonstrate the spell,

"all right, now let's see who can cast it?" Flitwick said looking around, Claras hand bolted into the air, 

"yes Ms. Potter let's see" he turned in her direction, "who would like to volunteer as a test subject?" He looked around the classroom once again. 

Nobody wanted to be humiliated in front of the whole classroom until James put his hand up, 

"Mr. Potter" Flitwick smiled, Clara and James stood in front of the classroom, "Mr. Potter juggle this ball in your hands, while Clara tries to confuse you using the confundus charm" he explained. 

Clara drew out her wand and held it in front of James who was juggling the ball, 

"confundus" she spoke clearly, and James dropped the ball out of confusion, the class erupted with laughs and cheers. 

"Well done Ms. Potter" Flitwick clapped ,

"thank you Professor" she smiled and went to sit back down on her seat, James did the same. 

After class, the marauders were walking together to potions, "I hate potions" Sirius grunted,

"only because you're not good at it" Clara laughed, "it's quite interesting actually".

"Only because you're good at it" Peter joked and high-fived Sirius, 

"well James do you like it? I know Lily does" Clara grinned,

"me? Oh ya sure! Best class" James fumbled and they all laughed with him, 

"besides I hear we're making amortentia today" she smirked, and the four boys started sniggering. 

They reached the potions classroom that they had with Slytherin, when they entered the classroom only Lily and Alice were there. 

"Hey Lils" James smirked,

"hello James" Lily tried not to smile but Clara could see that she did like him,

"heard we're brewing amortentia today" he said as his smirk grew even bigger,

"that's right" Lily answered and Clara started looking at the potions on the table. 

"Hello students" Professor Slughorn entered the classroom, "today we're brewing the amortentia potion, who can tell me what that is?" He looked around, almost everyone's hand was in the air. 

"Yes Mr. Lupin" he looked at Remus,

"it's the strongest love potion, you smell what attracts you" he explained,

"yes, now open your potion books and begin brewing your potions". 

They were all brewing their potions, multiple small explosions coming from James, Sirius, and Peter, leading to Clara scolding them and showing them the right way. 

"Professor, I've finished!" Clara put her hand up,

"what do you smell?" the professor asked,

"I smell fire, tulips, and-" she paused, "that's it" she looked up from the potion hearing the four boys behind her sniggering,

"excellent job Ms. Potter" Slughorn said. 

The class ended and everyone was leaving, "Ms. Potter and Ms. Evans, a word please" Slughorn called the two, 

"yes professor?" Lily asked as she walked towards his desk with Clara behind her,

"I'm having a dinner party next week, you can bring someone with you" he explained, "would you two like to come, a group of selective students will be there. It's called the Slug Club" he smiled looking at the two of them,

"I'd be delighted professor" Clara nodded,

"me too, thank you professor" Lily agreed, and they left the classroom. 

"Are you going to ask James?" Clara asked as they walked to the common room,

"well maybe" Lily smiled, "but don't tell him, he'll go nuts" she laughed,

"deal" Clara laughed. 

They walked back to the Gryffindor common room, and Lily went off to Marlene and Alice while Clara went to the marauders. 

"I'm placing a challenge!" Sirius declared,

"which is?" James asked,

"whoever can earn the most detentions this week gets ten galleons from me!" He explained,

"I'm definitely in!" Clara laughed,

"same!" Peter agreed laughing,

"you know my answer" James grinned,

they all looked at Remus, "what?" He asked looking up from his homework, "all right fine!" he gave in, 

"today we declare the start of the detention wars!" James boomed and they all cheered. 

A few minutes later, "hey Vixen" James sat beside her,

"mhm" she looked at him,

"what was the third thing you smelled from the amortentia" he asked her smirking,

"I only smelled two things" she shrugged,

"oh yaaa right" James rolled his eyes laughing, Clara rested her head on her hand and rolled her eyes. 

She went to the library to finish her homework with Remus because he helped her with arithmancy. 

"I expected you to be trying to get as many detentions as you can" Remus laughed as they sat down,

"because I'm actually going to do my homework right now" she said in a serious but sarcastic tone,

"wait, you're not?" Remus looked at her,

"of course not silly!" She laughed. "Collect as many books as you can get, this'll earn us a detention" she told Remus as she stacked more books on her pile of books,

"why?" Remus asked curiously,

"because Madam Pince hates loud noises and messes" she grinned replying,

"I see what we're doing here" Remus chuckled. 

They walked around the library collecting more books, and then at the same time dropped them near where Madam Pince was standing,

"you two!" the librarian scolding them, "I'm reporting you to McGonagall for detention! Clean up this mess!" She told them and walked away. 

"Haha! Mission accomplished!" Clara laughed as she high-fived Remus, 

"the problem is putting the books back" Remus reminded her looking at the books that were on the floor,

"oh ya, didn't think of that" Clara sighed as she started picking up the books. 

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