A Friend in the Stars

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"Ebublio," Clara said with a  yawn, pointing her wand at the toad on her desk.

Clara, Remus, and Alice, had Transfiguration at the same time that day.

Clara rested her head on her desk, her eyes all droopy.

"Clara! Clara!" Remus poked her back from the desk behind her.

"What?" Clara turned her head slightly to face Remus.

"Focus!" Remus said, looking at the toad on Clara's desk.

The toad was trapped by a blue-ish colored bubble, that part was correct. The wrong thing was, the bubble was all spikey!

"Oh..." Clara looked at the bubble surrounding the toad. "Oops..."

Remus held out his wand at poked Clara's bubble, making it pop.

"Do you feel all right?" Remus asked Clara, sitting back down in his seat.

"Yes, quite all right," Clara nodded, turning to face the front of the classroom again. "Ebublio," she pointed at the toad with her wand.

"You know, Moony, if you want to hang out with James and the rest, I'm not stopping you." Clara told Remus as they walked together to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Why would you think that?" Remus said, stopping in front of the Fat Lady Portrait.

"Because, - Witherwings - just because I had a sort of fight with them, doesn't mean you can't talk or hang out with them." The Portrait swung open on the password: Witherwings.

"That's not true-"

"Go on!" Clara shoved Remus inside the Common Room, and walked in after him.

James, Sirius, and Peter were sitting on the couches, chatting their heads off.

"Hey, slackers! Moony is going to hang out with you guys because my babysitting shift, is over!" Clara called out to them, her face showing no emotion.

"Hey, Vixen!" James waved at Clara.

"Who's that?" Clara responded dryly.

"Why can't your nose be 12 inches long?" James smirked.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me, Einstein?"

"Because it would be a foot!" James said, and broke into a huge fit of laughter.

"It isn't even that funny..." Clara told Sirius, Remus and Peter when they began laughing too. "You want to really laugh? What do you call a group of unorganized cats?" 

They all shrugged.

"A cat-astrophe!" Clara continued, and let out a small chuckle, ending with a grin.

"That isn't even funny," James frowned.

"Whatever," Clara shrugged, and left the Common Room.

Clara started her walk to the Astronomy Tower, her bag was slung over one shoulder, and her tie lay lazily tied around her neck.

Once she reached the top, Clara threw her bag on the ground and laid down on the ground.

"Oh for Merlin's sake, this is pathetic!" Clara groaned, getting up.

"What is?" A voice asked.

Clara jumped and turned around.

A girl with dark skin, and golden brown curly hair was standing at the top of the staircase, smiling very kindly.

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