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~𝑌/𝑛 𝑃𝑂𝑉~

"Time for multi shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto shouted! Shadow clones surrounded the place. I was ready to pulverize whoever showed themselves. "Ok! It doesn't matter where your hiding! Bring it on!" Naruto and all his shadow clones shouted.

I looked around, so far I didn't see anyone. "Born to be born. Breathing but to live" I heard. "Where is he?" I asked myself, frustrated. "One sunrise and one sunset! Kagero's life, like a mayfly, lasts a single day. But pitying one so ephemeral is, in itself, pitiable. Know that I am at my greatest when lying in the deep and dark of the earth." the voice spook.

As he said those words the ground started to shake. "He's underground?!" I asked, surprised. I tried to keep my balance so I didn't fall. Two of the shadow clones helped keep me steady. "Ninja Art, Antlion Jutsu!" the voice shouted.

The building started to crumble down, the two shadow clones quickly threw me up to the top of the building, sacrificing themselves. Another shadow clone caught me. The top building was coming down as well. "This is bad, where is Pervy sage?" I asked myself.

As if on cue, I heard Pervy sages voice. "Summoning Jutsu!" he shouted. There appeared him on a toad.

Pervy sage helped the clones fight the man, while I snuck around, trying to find the other guys. There's no way he's the only one here.

Naruto rasenganed the guy in the ground. While I spotted two guys behind the bushes. I saw my brother run towards the guy on the ground. "Naruto wait! There are two more guys here!" I shouted to him. He quickly stopped in his tracks.

The two guys popped out from behind the bushes, and grabbed the other one. I ran to stand beside my brother. "Speak of the devil." Pervy sage shouted. "Come on let's get out of here." one of the guys said. He quickly carried the guy off. "Hey! Hey!" my brother shouted. We tried to run after them, but they were two quick.

"Man, they're quick! Especially when they're running away." Naruto and I said, in unison.


We looked at the temple, most of it had sunk into the ground. "Naruto, [Y/n], it seems to me you two are forgetting something." Pervy sage said. "Hm?" we asked. "What about Sakura?" Pervy sage asked. "Oh, you're right!" I said.

Naruto and I quickly ran up the stairs to the temple. "Hey, Sakura!" he shouted. She kicked the door down. The door was about to hit me and Naruto in the face, but I quickly punched it into pieces. "Oh, Naruto and [Y/n]." Sakura said. "We were so worried! Thank goodness you're ok, Sasame." my brother said.

Sakura had an angry look in her face. "Yeah, she's fine. We're both fine. Thanks so much for asking." she said, angrily. "I'm glad you're ok as well, Sakura." I said. She smiled at me. "Thank you for worrying, [𝙔/𝙣]." she said, glaring at Naruto.

"Uh.. What's wrong? You mad about something?" Naruto asked, confused. I sighed. "He's so dumb when it comes to things like this." I thought, smiling, and giggling a bit. "What? What's funny?" he asked.


We continued our journey to look for Sasuke. We were walking down a tiny hill, when I spotted the shade of a tree. "Let's take a break here, the shade is nice." I said. I sat under the tree, Sakura and Sasame did the same.

"So, who's this pretty young friend of yours, Sakura and [Y/n]?" Pervy sage asked. Sakura and I quickly shielded Sasame. "Ok, that's close enough." Sakura said. "What do you mean? What's going on?" Pervy sage asked. "I think you know very well what she means, 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘃𝘆 𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲."

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