A New Mission!

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~Y/n POV~

I went to visit my brother in the hospital. I was wearing a shinobi outfit I asked Kakashi sensei to buy me. Most shinobi outfits I saw didn't really fit who I was so I didn't wear them, and I got ridiculed for not dressing like every body else all the time. This particular outfit though, caught my eye, so I asked Kakashi sensei to buy it for me, since I didn't have enough money for it.

 This particular outfit though, caught my eye, so I asked Kakashi sensei to buy it for me, since I didn't have enough money for it

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Once I reached the hospital I saw my brother tied down to the bed. "Tried to run away again?" I asked him. He just nervously chuckled. I sat down in the chair beside him and took out some vegetables, holding them up to him. "But I wanted ramen!" my brother said, pouting. "Naruto, you have to eat vegetables to be healthy!" I said, scolding him. I fed him the vegetables and he ate them, reluctantly.

Suddenly Sakura walked in, "Hello, Sakura." I said, giving her a soft smile. "Oh, hey, Sakura! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. If it was up to me I wouldn't still be here, but my hands are kinda tied." Naruto said nervously. Sakura just walked in and shut the door behind her. "He's making a remarkable recovery, but he mustn't push himself." Lady Shizuna said. "No, please, I keep telling you, I'm alright!" Naruto said raising up from his ropes. "Lie down, you need to rest!" Lady Shizuna and I said in unison.

Lady Shizuna then walked out of the room. "Oh well. Ok, so we'll have to wait a little longer, but I'm still gonna keep my promise, no matter what!" my brother said smiling. I knew what they were talking about Sasuke, but I didn't wanna say anything. "No, Naruto. It's ok." Sakura said. "Huh?" me and my brother asked confused. "Up 'til now, all I've done is rely on you. I see now that was a mistake." she said. I just looked at her, confused. "I don't get it Sakura, are you mad at me or something?" Naruto asked. "No, far from it." Sakura said.

Sakura then walked towards the door. She opened the door a little, stopped and said, "It's time I started carrying my weight." Sakura said. My eyes widened, "Wait a minute, Sakura!" I tried to call to her, but she already left the room. "Sakura.." Naruto said quietly. "So, I hear you snuck out." a voice said. Naruto flinched and turned his head. "You wanna start training that bad, huh?" Pervy sage asked, eating the apples Naruto received. "Pervy sage!" I said running to hug him, he hugged back with one arm, still eating his apple. "When did you get here? Hey, Pervy sage that's mine!" my brother yelled at him.

Pervy sage just continued to eat the apples and said, "Thatta boy. You're recovering nicely, and [Y/n], you got stabbed in the stomach and near you're heart, and you're still up and about. We could start training any time now." Pervy sage said. "Hey, uh, about my training. I was wondering, you think maybe, we could hold off for a while?" my brother asked. I walked towards your brother and asked, "Huh, what do you mean?" Naruto turned his head and said, "I mean believe me, it isn't like I don't wanna train. But I just remembered that I've got few odds and ends to take care of first, you know?"

I immediately understood what he was talking about and nodded my head, turning to Pervy sage. Pervy sage looked out the window and asked, "A few odds and ends, huh?", rhetorically. "Please. Just for a little while?" my brother and I asked, in unison.


I was awakened by a tapping on my shoulder, it was my brother, he had broken out of his restraints. I slept at the hospital, in the chair beside him, in case something came up. He nodded at me, I nodded back. "Sakura.." I thought. We quickly changed into our shinobi outfits, then we left the hospital.


Sakura was about to leave the village when my brother and I caught up with her. "Sakura." my brother said. "How did you know?" she asked. "It was obvious, Sakura." I said, smiling. "I know what you two are thinking, that I'm being foolish. That I haven't a chance to rescue Sasuke on my own. But I- I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try. I haven't done one thing well, not a single thing. Don't try and stop me." Sakura stated.

"Who says we want to?" Naruto asked, rhetorically. "You do what you gotta do, I'm fine with that. As long as you don't mind us tagging along!" Naruto stated, smiling. "He's our friend too. We'll rescue him, together." I said, smiling as well. "No, it's just.." Sakura said, sadly. "There really should be four in our squad, but we can pretend there are four of us, right?" my brother asked. Sakura thought for a moment, then said, "Right."

We then heard a voice say, "Hello, you three." It was Pervy sage! "Pervy sage, what the heck?!" my brother and I both shouted, in shock. "Of course, you three know what will happen to you if you cross the border of the Leaf Village without permission. It means imprisonment, and you'll be forever branded as a rouge ninja." Pervy sage stated. "If you're here to stop us, you can forget it." Naruto said. "Yeah, we're going to rescue Sasuke if it's the last thing we do." I said, confidently.

Pervy sage smiled and said, "Quite the contrary!", excitedly. The three of us were confused, what was he talking about? "In fact, you've been given a mission by Lady Hokage herself. It's rumored that the Sound ninja may be holding Sasuke in the Land of Rice Paddies, and you're to go there and investigate." Pervy sage said. I gasped, was he serious?! "This requires a squad of three people, which you already have, but I'll be there to look after you troublesome kids. So starting now you three will be serving under me." Pervy sage said.

The Land of Rice Paddies, huh? "Any problem with that?" Pervy sage asked. Naruto, Sakura and I smiled, Pervy sage smiled as well. This is going better than I expected!

To the Land of Rice Paddies we go!

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