Written Exam

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~Y/n POV~

"This numbers determines where you will sit." the proctor said. Naruto complained about how he was terrible at written exams, which he was. We all got seated, I sat beside Gaara. The proctor gave out the rules, the main one being no cheating. I knew what that meant, cheat. "One more thing, if one candidate gets a zero and fails the test, then the entire team fails." he stated. I looked up in shock, and so did my teammates. I looked over at Naruto who was obviously frustrated.

The proctor also said the final question won't be given out until fifthteen minutes after we started, and we have one hour to get this done. "Begin!" he yelled. I got to work immediately. I couldn't believe it, the first five questions were ok. I looked over at Naruto who was very frustrated. "Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm smarter then my teammates." I thought. In under two minutes, I was done with five of the questions, but I was stuck on the other four questions.

I sat there for a while. "[Y/n], need help?" I heard morse code coming from somewhere. I glanced around to see Kabuto. "Yeah" I responded. "Which questions?" he asked. "Four through nine." I responded. He then gave me the answers, and I was finished with the first nine questions. "Hm, should I help them? No, I know they can do it! Plus, they need to advance their skills on gathering intel. If I know my brother, he'll be ok." Ithought smiling.

Some time later

"Anyone who doesn't wanna take the tenth question raise your hand." the proctor said. A team just left. My brother looked back at me, I gave him a soft smile, he smiled back and stood up raising his hand. I let out a light gasp, I was about to say something, until he slammed his hand on the desk. "Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run. You can act tough all you want. You guys aren't gonna scare me off! No way!" my brother shouted. He continued with, "I don't care if I do get stuck as a genin for the rest of my life! I'll still be hokage someday!"

That's the boy I've known all my life, never giving up. I stood up with him and said "I'm not going either and neither are any of my teammates y'know!" Naruto looked back at me and smiled, we both sat back down.

~Gaara POV~

"This girl, she's strange." I thought.

~Y/n POV~

"This decision is one that could change your life, if for any reason you would rather quit, now's your last chance." the proctor said. "No way I never go back on my word. That's the way of the ninja." said my brother. "Yeah what he said!" I said. The speech my brother and I made encouraged everybody else in the room as well.

The proctor began to talk, "Well then I admire your determination. For those of you that remain there's only one thing left to do, and that's for me to tell you.." he started.

"That you've all passed the first exam." he said.

I couldn't believe it. I passed! "Woohoo!" I shouted. Everybody in the room was confused, the proctor then went on to explain how the answer to the tenth question was your decision to stay. "Hold on a second, so the other nine questions were just a waste of time, is that what your saying?" Temari asked. "Not at all, in fact quite the opposite. The nine questions were to test your ability to gather information." he answered. I knew there had to be something behind this exam.

Once he got done explaining what the test's purpose was, my brother said, "Yeah, you had to be a doofus not to see it! Right Hinata?" It was obvious he had no clue, but was trying to play it off. Then the proctor then took off his headband and— what the heck is on his head?! There were scars, puncture wounds, and burn marks all over his head! "How well you gather intelligence can determine whether a missions a failure or success. They'll be times you have to risk your life to get it." he stated.

He put his headband back on and continued, "Of course you must always consider the source of your information. Intelligence gathered from an enemy is not necessarily accurate. Always bear this in mind, disinformation can be worse than no information at all. It can lead to the death of comrades, or the loss of a village."

People were still confused so he answered a few more questions before declaring this part of the Chunin Exams complete. "All right you did it that's one down!" shouted my brother. I joined in on the rejoicing. People stared at the two of us, but we didn't care. We were too happy!

Suddenly somebody burst through the window. I was so surprised, I tripped over my own feet! I was about to hit the ground, but something caught me, it was sand. Gaara had quickly caught me with his sand. "Thanks Gaara!" I told him, smiling. But he just responded with, "Mm."

"Heads up boys and girls this is no time to be celebrating!" the woman spoke. "I'll be your next proctor, Anko Mitarashi. You ready for the second test? Good, then let's go! Follow me!" she shouted.

"Your early." Proctor Ibiki spoke. Proctor Anko then tried to intimidate us. It was working well, but of course, I hid my fear like a pro. "I'll let your squad leaders know where you're to meet me. Dismissed." she spoke.

~Ibiki POV~

I picked up the Uzumaki sibling's papers. "[Y/n] Uzumaki, she got the first five questions right in less then two minutes, there's no way she cheated on these. No genin should know this yet, and her brother didn't have a single answer on his test." I thought. "Those kids are something else." I thought smirking to myself.

The real challenge begins now.

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