Operation: Return the Favor! : Part 2

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~𝑌/𝑛 𝑃𝑂𝑉~

Naruto and I ran to where Gaara was. A girl was on the ground trapped in some kind of wooden barrel thing. I assume this is his student. "[Y/n], help Gaara, I'll help the girl." Naruto said. "Right." I stated.

I sent three of my chains to stop the movement of those blue things the man was using to attack Gaara. "What the-" the man said, shocked. The amoured lion was now being used by this guy. The lion started sucking the chakra from my chains. But before they disappear, I'm gonna make sure to get a hit in!

"Ora!" I exclaimed, punching the man in the face, sending him flying. My brother appeared beside me. "You're gonna have to deal with us from now on." Naruto stated. "You're strong girl, but not strong enough! Kujaku Hurricane!" he exclaimed, sending a strong gust of wind towards us.

My brother and I screamed as the wind sent us flying. We landed on the ground with a thud. "Dammit." my brother said, sitting up. I sat up as well. "Just keep watching, Leaf Village ninja." he said. "No way!" I exclaimed, running towards him.

"Fang release, dark sword!" he exclaimed. The three blue swords were sent towards my brother and I, but we dodged. "I can't let him hurt Gaara." I thought. "You can't keep running away forever." he said.

The swords attacked us again, but this time, one managed to scrap my side, creating a big gash. "Ah!" I exclaimed, in pain. "[Y/n]!" Gaara shouted. He brought down the sword in his hand, creating a line of fire. My brother and I ran away, but the fire caught up to us in no time, sending us flying into the wall of the cliff.

"Like a bird of prey, I'll strike you down!" he exclaimed, as the blue swords turned into dragons. Before they could attack us, we were covered by sand. "Gaara! Let me out of here right now! You can't fight on your own!" I exclaimed, punching the sand repeatedly, but it didn't work.

What do I do?! What do I do?! The sand suddenly began crumbling. Wait, does this mean Gaara's in trouble?! I broke through the rest of the sand and ran back towards Gaara, with Naruto following me.

"Gaara! Don't worry we're coming!" my brother called. "Naruto! [Y/n]!" he exclaimed before being trapped inside this giant dome thing. "Hey! You let Gaara out of there right now!" I shouted.

"What are you up to?" Naruto asked. "Don't worry, you'll see. Long ago, the great founder of our village, Lord Seimei, began creating the ultimate ninja tool." the man stated. "You're doing all this for a weapon?" Naruto asked. That's so stupid..

"And now it will finally be completed." he stated. He made some hand signs, then the dome started radiating with chakra. I heard Gaara scream in agony from inside the dome. "Gaara!" Naruto and I exclaimed.

The chakra hit the cliff, and brought forth some kind of coffin. The coffin opened revealing a shriveled up dead guy. "Ew!" I exclaimed, shaking. "Oh mighty Lord Seimei, may your spirit come and be joined with my flesh to complete your revival!" the man exclaimed.

The inside of the coffin glowed. The man began shouting as his body disappeared. "What the-he just vanished." Naruto said. "Yeah, I can see that brother." I said, sweat dropping.

Shockingly, the man that was inside the coffin, walked out looking young and healthy. "Ahh! Dead person!" I screamed, clinging onto my brother. "I am called Seimei, founder of the village of Artisans. And now, after 100 years of slumber, I have been awakened as my village's ultimate tool." he announced.

He made some hand signs, and the ninja tools beside him began to glow. As he approached the tools, it only got brighter. My brother and I covered our eyes. "It's so bright, what the heck is going on?" my brother asked.

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