Operation: Return the Favor! : Part 1

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~𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑂𝑉~

[Y/n] and Naruto went on many missions, all while searching for Sasuke. A few months have passed, and now, unknowingly, they're about to go on a mission to return the favor of one of their allied villages.

~𝑌/𝑛 𝑃𝑂𝑉~

I was training my chakra control by the lake. I was doing the same thing granny Tsunade had Sakura doing, trying to revive a fish out of water.

"If I have to learn a bit of medical ninjutsu just to be able to control my chakra better, then so be it." I thought. I don't plan on being a medical ninja, I just want to have better chakra control.

The fish twitched. I gasped a bit. Then, the fish started to flop around. "I did it!" I exclaimed. I threw the fish back into the water.

"[Y/n]." someone said. "Ah!" I said, jumping from the sudden sound. I turned around to see Shikamaru. "What's up, Shikamaru?" I asked. "I need you for a mission." he stated. "Mission?" I asked, confused. "Just come on." he said sighing. "Well, ok then." I said.


I was waiting at the gate with Lee, Kiba, Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji. "I thought I was always the late one. What are we waiting for? Let's get going!" Choji said. "We're waiting on my brother." I stated. "Figures." Ino said.

We heard footsteps approaching and turned out head in the direction they were coming from. "Sorry! Couldn't leave on a mission with an empty stomach, so I stopped by Ichiraku for a bite to eat." Naruto stated.

"That's no fair! How come you get to eat? What about—" Choji started. "All right. Now that everyone has finally arrived, let's get moving." Shikamaru said, cutting Choji off. I looked around. "Where are the other genin? I thought this was supposed to be a big mission." I questioned. "Everyone who's supposed to be here is here." Shikamaru answered.

"Oh, that's messed up! I know Sakura has training and all, but what about Shino, Neji, and Hinata? Shouldn't they be here?" Naruto asked. "That's true. I noticed that Akamaru and I are the only ninja here with any scouting abilities." Kiba mentioned. "So what you have organized is a no nonsense, take action group of ninja." Lee stated.

"That's right. In fact, I'm calling this Team Return the Favor." Shikamaru stated. We were dumbfounded. Since Shikamaru's the smart one, I thought he'd be able to come up with something better than that..

"You guys remember when the Sasuke incident went down? The sand village was right there to help us out. So now we're returning the favor. You got a problem with that?" Shikamaru asked. Not at all, I finally get to help Gaara like how he helped me that day!

"Come on guys! Let's go return us a favor from a long time ago!" Naruto exclaimed. "In case you've forgotten, you're not in charge." Kiba said, bluntly. "We'll take our orders from Shikamaru, the squad leader." Choji said. "Sorry, but they're right Naruto." I said, sweat dropping.

Naruto drooped down. "Anyhow, what's your strategy? Will we do something similar to the strategy used for the Sasuke incident, but with a new addition?" I asked. "Ahem. There are definitely similarities to the Sasuke incident. However, I believe this pursuit and ambush will require different tactics. The trail's cold, so byakugan and Akamaru's nose won't be as much help this time." Shikamaru answered.

"I hadn't thought about that." Ino said. "I know it's unconventional, but it's our only choice. We'll break up into two squads of two, and one squad of three, and you'll work together as a single unit. You don't leave your partner or partners under any circumstances. We'll pay back our debt to the Sand Village, but I don't intend to pay it with our lives. You all need to watch yourselves out there." Shikamaru stated. "Right. I wouldn't have it any other way." Naruto said.

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