Preliminaries -Part 1

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~Y/n POV~

The names of the first opponents appeared on the screen. Yorio Akado vs Sasuke Uchiha. This is going to be fun to watch. Everybody stared at Sasuke, it's like they all hated him. "Alright now, those who's names have been drawn come forward." the man said. Sasuke and Yorio stepped forward. "Are there any objections?" the man asked. The two boys said no. It looked like some people in the room knew about the mark, but you didn't say anything.

"Alright then let's begin the first match. Everyone other then the two opponents will now clear the area and move to the upper level." the man said. Everybody went to the upper level. Kakashi said something to Sasuke, I think it was about the mark. The fight was about to begin, and everything was quiet.

The silence bothered me so I hugged Kakashi sensei's arm. He didn't give a reaction, he just stood there. "Then if your ready, let the match begin." the ref said. Yorio gathered his chakra in his hand, while Sasuke took out a kunai. Yorio threw shuriken at Sasuke which he blocked with his kunai.

The mark on Sasuke's neck began to glow. "So I'm guessing that mark on Sasuke's neck is a curse mark that reacts to chakra." I told Kakashi sensei. He looked at me in surprise, I looked up and smiled at him. "Yes, you're correct." he responded. I knew it, I'm smarter then the average Genin, so I can piece things together quickly if I put my mind to it.

While Sasuke was on the ground Yorio tried to punch him, Saskue dodged it, sticking and kunai in the ground to change directions. He then pinned Yorio down by his leg, and held back his arms. "Hey he got him!" my brother shouted. "Not yet, Naruto." I said. My brother looked at me, confused, so I just pointed to where Sasuke was. Yorio infused his chakra into Sasuke restricting his movement, he then made Sasuke release his arm by hitting him in the stomach. Yorio jumped back and ran at Sasuke. "Sasuke no!" Sakura shouted.

Sasuke got up only to be pushed back down with more chakra. Yorio started stealing Sasuke's chakra. Sasuke groaned in pain, I gripped onto Kakashi sensei's arm tighter. "Kakashi sensei, is Sasuke gonna be ok?" I asked him. He gave me his usual closed eyed smile and said, "I'm sure he'll be fine, [Y/n]."

Sasuke groaned in agony, if he didn't find out what to do soon, he was gonna die. "Get off!" Sasuke said while kicking Yorio off him. "So you've still got some strength left huh? Impressive, for a guinea pig." Yorio said. I giggled at his remark, he did kinda look like a guinea pig.

Sasuke started panting, his chakra must almost be gone by now. Yorio then charged at Sasuke again, but this time he was ready, Sasuke dodged all his attacks. Until, Yorio's hand grazed Sasuke's hair making him stumble. "That's all it takes?" I thought. Sasuke's energy was draining bit by bit. I wish I could help, but I can't.

~Gaara POV~

"The great Sasuke Uchiha, is that all he's got?" I thought. I looked over to [Y/n], she looked back at me and started waving frantically. I looked back at Sasuke and thought, "I guess I'll just have to wait and see what she's like."

~Y/n POV~

"I think Gaara wants to be my friend now!" I thought excitedly. I looked over at my brother and Sakura who were worried. "Hey Sasuke! What was that, and you call yourself an Uchiha?" my brother shouted. Sasuke looked up at all of us. "Your gonna let this guy walk all over you? Come on, stop messing around and get it in gear!" my brother shouted. "What he said y'know!" I yelled. I think Naruto and I struck a fire in him, because he disappeared and reappeared under Yorio, kicking him.

He then started to use Lee's move. "Huh?!" I shouted, confused. Before Sasuke could use the move his curse mark activated. "Oh no." I said quietly. Suddenly the curse mark receded. "It receded?" I thought. Then I remembered when Sakura cried for Sasuke because of her concern for him. "That must be it." I thought, with a smile on my face.

Sasuke then proceeded to use Lee's move. As they both lay on the ground everybody waited to see who would get up. Sasuke got up with a shaky breath. "Sasuke Uchiha advances to the finals." the proctor said. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" I shouted. "Way to go!" my brother shouted.

My brother made fun of Sasuke, while I laughed with him. After I got done laughing, I looked over at Gaara who was shaking, I got worried. I walked over to Gaara and tapped his shoulder. "What now?" he asked. "I just wanted to see if you were ok, you're shaking." I said. "I'm fine. Why are you so worried about me anyway?" he asked, irritated. I grabbed his hand in both of mine, then said, "Because you're my friend." and gave him a soft smile. He then stopped shaking and looked at me wide eyed.

"Alright then let's move on to the second match." the proctor said. Me and some sound ninja's name appeared on the board. "Oop that's my cue, see you later Gaara!" I said, smiling, then walking downstairs.

~Sound ninja POV~

"This is my chance to get revenge on that girl for what she did to Dosu." I thought.

~Y/n POV~

"Begin!" the proctor said. With all the confidence in the world, I ran at the sound ninja, who sent sound waves my way. The sound waves were easy to see. I flipped between the first two waves, then did a handspring through the next two.

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(Yes I just used hisoka as an example don't judge me)

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(Yes I just used hisoka as an example don't judge me)

I threw myself at the sound ninja, punching him into a wall, hard. The sound ninja's teeth fell out and he passed out. I put my hand on my knees panting, that punch took a lot of energy out of me. "[Y/n] Uzumaki advances on to the finals." the proctor said. They took the sound ninja away on a stretcher.

"That's how you do it sis!" my brother shouted. "Cha!" Sakura shouted. I smiled at them both, then I looked up at Gaara who was shaking even more now. "He must be cold." I thought with a worried expression on my face. I went back to the upper level, my team congratulated me on passing. Then Lee walked up to me and said, "You are very skilled at taijutsu [Y/n], I would like to fight you someday." I didn't really know if that was a compliment, so I just said thank you.

I walked up to Gaara to talk to him but his sand stopped me. "No." he said. "Why?" I asked sadly. "Go away, or I'll kill you." he said. I frowned at him. I didn't really understand why he was acting so cold all of a sudden, so I shrugged it off and walked back to my team.

~Kankuro POV~

"Stupid girl, she doesn't know what she's getting into." I thought.

Time skip brought to you by Rock Lee! "It is an honor!"

~Y/n POV~

After some time, more people battled it out. Sakura vs Ino, TenTen (who got folded like a piece of paper) vs Temari, Shikamaru vs some Kin guy, and my brother vs Kiba. Now it was time for Hinata, and her cousin Neji Hyuga "Look their about to start." Kakashi sensei said. I looked at the two, in fear for Hinata.

Alright, you may begin when ready..

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