He has red hair too?

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~Y/n POV~

I went to go wake my big brother up for another day. "Naruto wake up!" I said while shaking him. "I'm up! Believe it.." he said while yawning. "You need to clean your side of the room y'know! I almost fell just getting over here!" I scolded him. "Yeah yeah." he said, irritated.

We both went downstairs to eat our daily breakfast, which was ramen. I went through the same routine of brushing my silky red locks of hair. I put on a baggy white and yellow striped shirt and tucked it into my skirt. Then, I put on my ninja shoes and ran outside where my brother was waiting on me.

 Then, I put on my ninja shoes and ran outside where my brother was waiting on me

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When me and my brother got there Sakura and Sasuke were already there. "Hey Sakura." I said, giving her a soft smile. "Hey [Y/n]!" she said smiling back. She's not that bad once you get to know her. Naruto said hello to Sakura as well, as well as giving Sasuke his usual glare. They turned away from each other. I looked at them both confused. "Why are they always like this?" I thought.

All four of us stood there for a long time waiting on our sensei. When he finally showed up he said, "Hey guys good morning, afraid I got lost on the path of life." Sakura and Naruto yelled at him with irritation while I just smiled and said, "Good morning, Kakashi Sensei." He smiled at me, I couldn't see it because of his mask, but his eyes showed that he was smiling.

"I'm ready for the next ninja mission sensei!" Naruto said with excitement. "And no more dumb beginner stuff, I'm talking a real mission to show what I'm made of! I got to break out and burn it up, see!" he said. He was on fire, literally. "Take it easy would ya?" Kakashi Sensei responded.

The mission we had was to, dig up weeds? "This is, ok I guess?" I thought. Once we finished, I looked over at Naruto and gasped, putting my hands over my mouth. "Pretty cool right [Y/n]? I plucked the most weeds!" he said smiling. Little did he know he pulled Ms. Lady's special herbs too. Long story short, he got beat up, again.

Small missions like that went on for a while, and I always ended up having to carry my brother back home.

One day..

Sensei had just disappeared leaving me, Naruto, and Sakura. As usual Konohamaru was following Naruto, but this time there were two more kids. "I'm Moegi, the sassiest kunoichi in preschool!" the girl said. "I love algebra, call me Udon!" the other boy said. "And I'm the number 1 ninja in the village, Konohamaru!" he said. Then he said something about a, ninja squad? Kids are weird these days, but I like them.

Naruto and I just observed them. Konohamaru asked to play ninja, but Naruto looked like he didn't wanna. "A ninja playing ninja, that is so twisted." Sakura said annoyed. "Oh hey Sakura!" Naruto said nervously. I just continued to watch them, to see how this plays out. "Hey boss who's that girl anyway?" Konohamaru asked. A sly expression came across his face and he said "Oh I get it your a smooth operator boss!" he said.

Naruto and Konohamaru ended up pushing Sakura to her limit, and she ended up punching them both. I giggled a little. "I don't even think she's human! Did you see how wide her forehead is!" Konohamaru told Naruto. "You idiot, you never comment on a girl's features like that!" I scolded him.

Sakura stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around with an angry expression on her face. Sakura started chasing after them while they ran away. I followed them and said, "Wait up guys!" Suddenly Konohamaru bumped into some guy. "Do you need something?" he asked. I ran to Konohamaru's side and said, "I'm so sorry, he didn't mean to bump into you!" then helped him up.

The guy picked Konohamaru up by his scarf and said, "So does this hurt, punk?" I was starting to get angry. The blond haired girl told him to put Konohamaru down. Sakura tried to apologize but by then it was too late. My red hair was floating and my eyes were covered by a dark shadow. I punched the guy, and he went flying about ten feet away.

"Kankuro!" the blond haired girl shouted. She took out her fan. I gave her a death stare that would scare the Hokage himself. She backed off a little, trying to hide her fear. The guy with the purple marks on his face charged at me, but before he could get close enough to attack a rock was thrown at his hand, making it bleed. I went back to my normal, cute and calm look, and looked up at the tree. It was Sasuke.

"You're a long way from home and you're way out of your league." Sasuke said. "Sasuke!" Sakura shouted while squealing like a fan girl. Blondie looked up at him while blushing. Konohamaru ran to me and Naruto. "[Y/n], Naruto!" he said. I kneeled down to check for any bruises on his neck. "Are you alright?" I asked him. "I'm fine!" he said, smiling. I gave a soft smile in return. "Oh great another wimp to tick me off." the weird looking guy said. Sasuke just responded to him by crushing a rock, and saying get lost.

As the others either fan girled, or pouted over how "cool" Sasuke was. I looked back at the boy who grabbed Konohamaru with a frown on my face. "Hey punk, get down here." the boy said to Sasuke. They were about to fight until a boy with red hair said from a tree, "Kankuro, back off." Everybody gasped, but I looked up at the boy with stars in my eyes. "He has red hair too!" I thought.

Hi there!

He turned to look at me, "What?" he asked. "Well I noticed you have red hair like me! That's so cool!" I said smiling at the boy. He looked shocked for a moment but quickly went back to his dark and gloomy face. "My hair isn't red, it's brown." he stated. "Oh, sorry it looks pretty red to me." I said, scratching my head. "So?" he asked, in a cold demeanor. "Wanna be friends?" I asked.

He looked shocked and so did the others. "You wanna be my friend?" he asked while coming down from the tree and walking up to me. "I don't need friends, they just get in my way." he said. The other two that made me mad earlier smirked at me. I just tilted my head in confusion. "Ok! I'll just ask you again later!" I said, while putting on my normal smile again.

The trio looked even more shocked then before. The boy just turned around to face the boy with marks on his face. "Your an embarrassment to our village." the boy said. "Uh- hey Gaara!" the one with marks said nervously. "So his name's Gaara." I thought while smiling. I've never been so determined to make a new friend before!

~Lord Third POV~

"The Chunin Exams will begin in one week." I stated. "That's such short notice." Kakashi responded. "Only the very best will be selected to be chunin." I said.

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