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Chapter 12: Kicks

Avery's POV

     A boy, a sweet little baby boy. I'm more than happy at the fact that I'm having a boy. I wanted a girl, but once the doctor said it was a boy and that he was healthy, I had no other choice but to be overcome with joy and relief. Dean was smiling ear to ear hugging his mom.

"He is correct. You're having a precious little boy." Dr. Bridges confirms cleaning the gel off my belly.

"It's time to go shopping now Avery." My mother all but squealed holding my hand.

I couldn't help it, the tears just started streaming down my face. I was growing a baby, a tiny human inside of me and he was healthy. Dean came to me engulfing me in his arms as I sat up off the table.

"We're having a boy Avs." He smiled wiping the tears from under my eyes.

I smiled back at him and emotion drowned over my entire body as my heart began to race. What was this? Was I actually beginning to like Dean? Staring into his eyes, the only thing I could think about is the fact he was standing so close me and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

"Um let's go." I awkwardly say pushing Dean back some so I can get off the table.

I want more than what Dean can offer me and that's okay. I just have to remind myself that we will never be together. We're having a kid and that's it.


"I can't believe it Avs, you're actually having a baby." -Neveah

"I know right. It's crazy I always thought you would have a kid before me." -Avery

"Ahhh how times have changed."

"Anything exciting happen at school while I was gone?" -Avery

"Emily is back on her bullshit, whining and complaining about how you stole Dean from her and she's hanging out with Natalie now." -Neveah

I roll my eyes. Of course she would start hanging out with the leader of Dean's fan club.

"Why am I not surprised? I didn't steal Dean from anyone. They can have him. It's not like he quit having sex with them after I got pregnant." -Avery

"I said the same thing, but I'm going to finish watching Vampire diaries and I'll see you tomorrow." -Neveah

"Alright love you bye."

I click the red end button before repositioning in the bed. I've come to conclusion that I was no longer going to have sex with Dean. He's still sleeping around with God knows how many girls and did I really want to take the risk of catching something? The sex is great, but if I was to catch chlamydia the type of medicine I have to take to get rid of it could blind my baby. He may not care about the risk of spreading stds, but I do. My mom, Dean's mom, and I went shopping for baby stuff after the doctors appointment. Dean of course had to go to baseball practice which would be over soon since the season is almost done. Baseball was another sport I enjoyed watching, but once again I don't want to go to a game because I don't want to be seen as the girl that's hung up on a guy by showing up to his sporting events. Yes I know I am being very extra about the situation, once AGAIN. I'm sorry it's just so hard not to overthink everything. There is a game tomorrow and Nevaeh did wanna go watch Johnathan... NOPE. I'm not doing it. I'm not-

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