It's a...

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Chapter 11: It's a...

Avery's POV

I always wondered what would happen if I decided to do something out of the ordinary. Like when I smoked pot for the first time, I was so scared I was going to enjoy it then become addicted, but I didn't. I enjoyed it, but I could count on one hand how many times I've smoked it since. When I tried my first alcoholic drink, I was scared I would become an alcoholic, but I didn't. So when I decided to have sex; high off of pot and drunk off of alcohol, I wasn't thinking of the overall consequence which would be an unwanted pregnancy. I was always skeptical about my choices in life for this exact reason. I am single unemployed high schooler with a baby on the way. How could I let myself get put in this situation? Then it was with the biggest man whore of the school. Did I really have that little self respect for myself? I should be ashamed not only because of what I done to my image, but of what God must think of me. I let him down in so many different ways and here I am now; at the church on my knees praying for forgiveness.

"God please forgive me for I have sinned. Not only was I damaging my temple, I also had premarital sex which you know about, but I would like your forgiveness on. I know I shouldn't have done it in the first place and now I know. Please Lord help not only me, but my family, Dean, his family, and our baby as well. In Jesus name I pray amen."

I stood up from the alter taking a deep breath. My God is a forgiving God and I can only pray that he will forgive me. Church starts in less than twenty minutes which means soon enough the pews would be full of people doing the same thing I was doing. Church was a safe place for me. It made me feel comfortable and safe. The judgmental eyes I would receive from the older heads didn't bother me because I only had to answer to one person and that was God. You never know what will happen in the life you're given so you're told to live it to the fullest. No one ever says that living your life to the fullest has consequences.

Church went amazing as always and no one seemed to be paying any attention to me anymore. It had only been a few days since the secret was out, but it had felt like an eternity. Everything has been going great so far. No one has given me shit over being pregnant, not saying Dean's fan club doesn't give me dirty looks, but that I can handle. Dean started welding classes at school and even started applying to colleges for welding. I started applying as well and even put in at the hospital where his mom works for a CNA position. As for me and him, things seem to be looking up as far as our relationship goes. We're not dating, but we are friends. A lot has changed over the past few days and I couldn't be more excited because today was the day. It's December seventh and today is the day we find out the sex of our baby.

"Aren't you excited!? I'm SO excited." I squealed grabbing Dean's arm shaking it back and forth.

We had just parked in the doctor office's parking a lot along with mine and his mom and I swear I was about to burst with excitement.

"I've never seen you so excited for anything." He laughed grabbing my hand holding it so I couldn't grab his shoulder again.

"You'll get used to it. She gets like this all the time." My mom chimed I'm laughing too.

"She's always so mean to me, so I never knew she could smile." Dean says looking back at my mom.

"Oh my gosh I am not mean to you!" I gasp hitting his arm which makes all of them look at me like 'so you're not mean to him even though you just hit him.'

We all get out heading inside. I signed in and went and sat down trying to wait patiently to get called to the back. My legs were jumping with excitement, but I couldn't help it. I'm having a son or daughter and today I will know for sure.

"Avery Henderson?"

Oh my god this is really happening! We all walk to the back and into a room I've become extremely friendly with over the past couple of months. I lay down on the bed and tuck my shirt under my bra. It's the same old, same old.

"Good morning everyone. So who's ready to take a peek at this baby?"
Dr. Bridges asks with enthusiasm as he bursts through the door.

"All of us are! If she wouldn't have been complicated the last time the anxiety I've been having would be gone." I joke while he begins to set everything up.

"Well let's have a look, shall we?" He squirts the gel on my belly and begins moving the wand of the ultrasound machine around.

"Alright there's it's heart beat and there's it's head, feet, and arms." The suspense was literally about to kill me.

Okay, so not literally, but still! Dean grabs my hand squeezing it excitement covering his face as well.

"Does anyone wanna take a look and guess what the gender is?" He stops the wand and there it was.

I studied so many ultrasounds trying to compare mine to theirs to see if I could tell what I was having. I couldn't believe it, we were having a...

"WE'RE HAVING A BOY!" Dean shouts jumping up and down.

I guess I wasn't the only one who learned how to read ultrasounds.

AN: Hope you enjoyed, hope to hear from you all soon! Thanks for reading.


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