First Doctor's Appointment

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Chapter 4- First Doctor's Appointment

Avery's POV

       I got checked out of the hospital the next day after my little accident. Dean had given me a ride home because my family had left me with no way of transportation. Traeh had drove my car home from school so Dean was my only option. I felt bad because not only did he miss baseball practice, but he's probably going to have to run around fifteen bleacher miles all because of me. I'm surprised he even decided to go today seeing as he just found out he has a baby on the way. He didn't even ask me was the baby his or not. I'm guessing due to the fact that everyone calls me Virgin Mary, that there was no question. I'm so stressed out right now, so there's no telling how he's feeling. My parents weren't speaking to me, which wasn't shocking, but Traeh was. I wasn't going to make a effort to talk them because knowing my parents they'll come to me when their ready to speak. Time flew by and the day came of my first official OBGYN appointment.

"I don't want you to get in trouble." I told Dean waving at a couple of guys on the baseball team who said hey.

I had drove my car from the field house over to the baseball parking lot to come get him.

"Do you honestly think I'm missing my baby's first appointment?" I shook my head taking in his appearance.

Grey red dirt stained baseball pants and jersey top with the number 24 on the bottom left side, with muddy cleats that we're sure to ruin my floor.

"Knock your feet." I say cautiously eyeing him up and down.

"I will, once you stop checking me out." His famous smirk appeared on his face as my mouth dropped open.

"Shut up and get in." I grumbled my cheeks heating up with embarrassment.

He knocked his feet (thank God) and slung his bag in the back. After we had done pulled off from the school and headed toward Dr. Bridges office I broke the silence.

"So, have you told anybody about the baby yet?"

"No I don't know how I'm going to tell anybody. My mom is going to freaking kill me." He said typing away on his phone to somebody named 'Alisha'.

"Oh, will she hate you or me?" I say nervously, I mean I'm going to see this woman more often and I really don't need her hating me.

"No, she'll just be disappointed in me. I can see the look on her face now when I tell her I got a girl pregnant." He scoffs locking his screen and I quickly adjusted my eyes back to the road.

"Oh." Was all I managed to reply with. What was I supposed to say? 'Sorry I got pregnant it probably won't happen again.'

"Don't worry babe she'll love you." Dean said gripping my upper thigh making me jerk the wheel. I managed to get us back on our side of the road his roaring laughter echoing through out the care.

"That affected you? babe you don't know what else I can do." He whispered in my ear nibbling on my earlobe.

I push him off keeping one hand on the wheel, wiping his slobber off my ear.

"Buckle up and stop calling me babe." He laughs putting his seat belt on.

Something isn't right, shouldn't he be freaking out not wanting to speak to me ever again? That's what most boys do in books..

"What reason did you tell your coach for why you were leaving?" I ask breaking the silence, that had went on for a good ten minutes.

"That I had to go to the doctor." He says not even making eye contact with me.

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