Chapter 42

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I howled when the full moon was in the sky. It was a cry; a cry in pain. The wound still stung my body, but I was still a wolf.  For the first time, I felt like I was in full control over my body. It was a relieving feeling. But I was still a wolf. I was cursed, not only that, I was still hurting from the stabbing. There was no returning to what once was.

I would change almost every night of my life. I'm still a danger to my family. I couldn't see my aunt and uncle again, as if they wanted to see me.

My howl must've been heard from far. Bayne heard other wolves come towards us.

We need to go. Now.

The knife was out of my stomach. Us three wolves tried to leave the cabin, but my dad and four others were there. Bayne tried to stop my dad from going in, but it was too late. He saw the lifeless body of Remus. He saw that we killed him.

He was angry. I couldn't tell what him and Bayne were communicating to each other, but I knew it couldn't be anything good. I dreaded to know what morning would bring.

We woke up in the woods close to each other, fortunately close to the lodge. Both of us were injured. Bayne helped me stagger back to the lodge with my knife wound. Romulus was already back there and dressed when we woke in our human forms.

"Figured I'd see you two right away. Let me look."

We got dressed and he tended to our stab wounds. Bayne's was in the back, mine in the stomach. We're stronger as wolves, that's what made us able to withstand our injuries. I wasn't able to turn human. I knew I would remain cursed until the end of my existence.

"All better. I'll give you guys a second." He said, leaving us alone.

"Bayne, I-."


We both talked over each other at the same time. We stopped. I let him speak.

"I'm sorry you couldn't change back. I know that's the one thing you wanted in this life, and I failed you. There's no other way. I'm sorry."

I opened my mouth to speak.

"BAYNE GREENE! STAND!" My furious father blew in like a hail storm.

Bayne did as he commanded and return to his feet.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!" He screamed. His voice was loud like a steam engine.

"I'm sorry, sir." He said.


Romulus joined me and Bayne. Adolpha, Dakota, and my father sat in their chairs. I waited for the yelling to start. They all looked as angry as a wolf whose meal was taken from them.

"What the hell happened? We found the three of you near a cabin, with a dead wolf! Someone, explain to me what the hell happened?" Ulrich yelled.

I spoke up.

"Dad. It was all because of me." I stepped up.

"What?" He said. His voice slightly less loud.

I told him everything from the beginning. I told him how I never wanted this. I told him how I convinced Bayne to help me, and how Romulus got dragged into it. How it was all my fault. How we tried to turn me back, but failed epically.

"You killed another wolf? Romulus, I thought you were better than this! I expected something like this from Bayne, but never you!"Adolpha hissed.

"Well, he was wanted by the C.C.C. He wasn't exactly an innocent wolf. He tried to eat his own brother for God's sake." Dakota said.

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