Path of the Unknown

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As night draws in, Chishiya insists to examine your shoulder once more. There is no way it could heal completely within just a couple of days, but he seems to be satisfied with the overall progress. Though he tells you to move it even more and to clean it more often so it won't get infected, and you just nod with your lips slightly curled up.

"Fortunately, you'll be able to look after it yourself now, so that shouldn't be a problem", you tease as he bandages the now properly cleaned wound. Besides, the fact that he tells you all that is because he cares about your wellbeing. He would never admit it openly of course, but you can see it in the faintly furrowed brows.

Chishiya's lips turn into a smirk and he pulls the bandage a tiny bit too hard, causing you to twitch for a second. "We'll see if you're still happy about that in a couple of days."

You lean forward and place a soft kiss onto his lips, knowing full well that he probably doesn't like to be kissed without his consent even after your reunion.

"Where will we go, then?" you ask as you both eventually head towards one of the cars, and to your surprise, Chishiya just shrugs.

"I'll see about that tomorrow, after the game."

While you clumsily get into the car and wait for Chishiya to do the same, you can't help but worry about his words. "I should have guessed you'd want to take part in those games even though you've still got days on your visa left."

Regardless the back seat of the car being turned down, it's a bit tight for two people to sleep on. But it is still a shelter from all the flies and other insects roaming on the outside, and it will be for one night only. You pick the blanket that you brought in here a few days ago and wait for Chishiya to lay down. He obviously seems annoyed by the circumstances, but he doesn't complain.

"There's no reason for me not to participate. It's a new stage with remastered games and new enemies. Why should I miss out on that?"

You lay down next to him, resting your head in the hollow between his chest and upper arm. He helps you pull up the blanket so it covers both of you as you try to find a position that is halfway comfortable for your shoulder.

"Some people prefer to live instead of trying out new games that might kill them."

Despite the lack of space and comfort of a real bed, you still enjoy cuddling with Chishiya like this. His calm and steady heartbeat is somehow soothing, and you won't have to worry about getting cold this night. But if you are honest, you would have preferred a different topic for your conversation.

"The difference between me and those people is that they value their life."

You raise your head a bit, though you still can't see his eyes like this. It's incomprehensible for you how someone wouldn't want to take care of their life, but a part of you has hoped that you already were enough for him to care about his own.

"What about death then? Aren't you afraid of dying?" Because you are, and not only when it comes to yourself. If Chishiya died in tomorrow's game, leaving you all alone beyond recall...

Chishiya snorts and takes time to answer, and at first you're afraid he won't respond at all. But he eventually exhales a long breath, and his words cause you to shudder.

"Why should I be? No one ever asked me if I wanted to live in the first place."

Those words coming from his mouth hit pretty bad, and you wrap your arm around Chishiya's waist more tightly. It's the closest thing to a hug you manage to do in this position, and when you finally find the words to answer, your voice is a bit shaky.

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