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"Are you sure you want to do this?"Chishiya examines you with furrowed brows, and you are sure that he will immediately turn around and go back with you if you decide against it.

The blimp above your heads makes so much noise it almost hurts your ears, and the memory of falling debris and smoke returns to your mind. You throw one last look at the banner before you swallow and nod. "Yes." It doesn't sound convincing, but you have racked your brain over it long enough. This is something you have to do, and you chose the best game to clear.

It is a Clubs game after all, so the chances of survival are high, right? But it's a face card game, and they are supposed to be a whole new level compared to the first stage... Your eyes wander to the old building that resembles a mystery castle. The plaster is crumpling wherever you look, and the windows are covered in so many spider webs and dust that it's impossible to see what is on the other side. Just the main door is opened, giving sight onto a long and dark hallway.

Chishiya calls your name questioningly, and you take another deep breath while reaching for his hands. "I'll see you after this." While you haven't talked about this again, you assume Chishiya isn't going inside with you. He's the perfect Diamonds player, but Clubs? Though it would have made things easier for you if you didn't have to go alone.

There is a moment of silence, and then a sigh coming from Chishiya. "Let's go then."

Your eyes grow big as he starts to walk inside. "Wha-... you're going with me?"

"I know you will do something stupid otherwise," Chishiya answers with a smirk, earning him a halfhearted punch into his side. You grab his hand once more as you enter the spooky building, and the air gets noticeably colder immediately. There is no noise inside, no other people talking, not even scratching noises from animals.

"If this is a Clubs game, shouldn't there be other people...?" you whisper while the hallway in front of you doesn't want to end.

Chishiya scoffs, eyeing his surroundings carefully. "We haven't entered the game area yet."

So there is still a chance of turning back and leaving... No. You will do this, and you will clear the game.

The spare lights coming from torches attached to the wall lessen even more until you can barely see your own hand in front of your face anymore. When you finally reach the end of the hallway, you almost bump into the door that is as black as everything around you. Exhaling a surprised sound, you touch the cold metal searching for a way to open it. There is no door knob or anything, but a feint beep sounds and both Chishiya and you take a step back as the door opens with a loud creaking noise.

As you enter the next room, you have to blink a few times until your eyes fully adjust to the light. Compared to the dark hall you came from, this room seems to be way too bright at first, with its light coming from not less than a hundred candles.

Everything around you looks as if it comes directly out of a medieval movie, with huge candle liters hanging from the ceiling and one giant table made out of solid timber and holding enough space for at least twenty people.

While the door in your back closes once more, you examine the people already inside. You count a total of six excluding Chishiya and you, and you haven't seen any of them before. Two women are sitting at the table, and they are twins with no doubt, even though one has hair reaching down to her hips and the other has cut it just at shoulder-length. But their faces are almost identical, and the way they huddle together indicates how close they are.

One tall and muscular guy is leaning against the stone wall, and you're sure he prefers to use force rather than cooperation. There is a woman with blonde-dyed hair and two men who seem to mind nothing except their own business, but one face catches your attention. It's a boy, crouching in a corner and eyeing everything around him nervously. He can't be older than fifteen, and you immediately feel sorry that he has to experience the Borderlands at such a young age. When he senses your eyes on him, he gives you a hesitant smile.

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