Familiar Faces

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You don't talk much as the hours pass by, and the Diamonds games are nowhere to be found. As you walk past other blimps, you see that the games are actually placed inside buildings under the airships, and a handful of players have already gathered in front of one door. Their faces are completely unknown to you, and you wonder how many players are still alive besides the few dozen that made it out of the Beach.

The King of Hearts doesn't have anything of interest for you, and you walk past the Queen of Spades as well. If your visa runs out before the second stage is finished, a Clubs game is what you prefer most since it should have the highest chance of survival for more than just one player.

"There we go!" Chishiya's voice almost makes you jump, and as you turn towards him, you see the familiar smirk back on his face again. He nods towards something behind you, and when you try to follow his eyes, you can see another blimp in the distance. The banner is hard to recognize at first, but you realize it the moment Chishiya speaks it out loud. "The Queen of Diamonds."

While you won't admit it, you have hoped that you wouldn't find a Diamonds game today, so there'd have been more time for Chishiya and you. But you know there is no turning back now, and Chishiya's pace quickens noticeably now that he has a destination in sight.

He won't show it, but you can sense that he is excited about the turn of events coming with the second stage, and with every day it becomes a bit easier for you to understand. Chishiya has nothing to return to in the real world, no purpose. As someone not even afraid of death, this is just a mental challenge he is looking forward to.

Since you have cleared the last games together and you don't think he has attended any more games in between, it must have been quite a while since he participated in a high-level Diamonds game.

"Are you going to show the world once more how clever you are?" you mumble a bit out of breath, but asking for a break would be nonsense. He wouldn't agree to it anyway.

"Not alone. Whoever it is that we're playing against, they know more about the Borderlands. I will not only clear the games; I intend to get answers."

A loud Gong! causes you to flinch, and for a moment, Chishiya looks startled as well. At about the same time, both of you spot the source of the noise – a huge clock tower, and the time shown is 12AM. Right above the clock face are two stag heads bumping their antlers against each other with every bell stroke, twelve times total.

"Twelve chimes... twelve games. Is this the start signal?"

Chishiya nods, and as silence falls down once again, you feel... strange. Somehow you have expected more, another firework maybe or another announcement coming from the TVs and radios. But this is it: the second stage has started. The games begin once more.

You start to walk again, always headed towards the Queen of Diamonds banner that is coming nearer with each step, and a handful of shots sound from somewhere behind you. They're not loud enough to startle you as the clock tower did, but you have heard such shots before. Single bangs, thoroughly aimed and more than deadly. The memory causes you to shudder, and you feel Ichika's blood on your hands once more.

"There's a sniper somewhere." You clear your throat as your voice stands close to breaking, and Chishiya hums in agreement.

"Most likely one of the games. Spades, I suppose."

The shots sound twice more as you walk, every time from a different direction. But as long as they're far away from where you are, it will be fine. As you look up to the sky, the banner you're heading for is hidden by high buildings, but the top of the blimp can still be seen. And you still hear the roaring voice of the airship's motor, so loud that you have to be close.

A huge casino comes into sight once you pass a glass building dedicated to the Mizuho Bank, and you would have known it's a game area even without the huge blimp resting over it.

The full building is lit up, with dozens of signs blinking and glowing in different colors. It doesn't really show off because the sun is shining bright, but it still looks impressive nonetheless. Though it's not the signs that catch your eye, it's a car parked right in front of it. The people from the Beach are not the only ones able to repair cars in the Borderlands for sure, but this one is especially familiar. It has been repaired by Tatta after the events of the Witch Hunt.

Despite your worries for Chishiya, you also feel excitement grow inside of you as you near the car and a handful of people standing next to it. It's three women, and you know every face.

"An!" you shout as you cross the last distance almost running. She pulls you into a short hug, but you can't see a smile in her face. All three of them look rather pale as death, and your euphoria vanishes as suddenly as it had appeared. "What... what happened?"

An shakes her head and crosses her arms, probably trying to keep herself together. "It was the King of Spades. His blimp moves all over Tokyo, and he seems to hunt down all players with a sniper. He... killed at least five of us within a minute."

"I knew it was Spades", Chishiya comments completely untouched, and you're not the only one darting malignant glances towards him.

It doesn't surprise you either that the sniper is indeed part of the games. But you're shocked that your camp was the first to be attacked, and you don't want to think about what would have happened to you if you had decided to stay there. Maybe you'd be already dead by now.

"What... what about the others?"

The woman next to An steps forward, barely noticeably leaning against her shoulder. You don't remember her name, but you know she used to assist An in taking care of injuries. "Arisu, Usagi, Kuina and Tatta managed to flee with one car, and we took the other. For the rest... I can't tell."

A heavy silence falls over the four of you, but you're at least relieved to know that Kuina is still alive.

"There's lots of time for you to mourn the dead after we deal with the important matters. I have a game to play." Chishiya's voice is cold, and you hate to admit he's right.

You step aside to examine the entry of the Casino, and huge blinking letters and arrows announce the type of game that will await the players inside:


Another sign states that the entry limit is set for exactly 5 people, and that no weapons are allowed. Your heartbeat fastens as you stare at the number. Does this mean you have to play the game too, with An's group and Chishiya only being four people?

"I'm sorry if you planned to play this game together", An interrupts your thoughts. "Someone already got inside the moment we arrived, so it's either you", her eyes lock with yours for a moment, "or you." She doesn't even hide the aversion as she faces Chishiya, and he answers with his condescending smirk.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm going inside." He says nothing more as he disappears inside the building, leaving you in a state of disbelief. Chishiya didn't even give you a chance to see him off. What if he doesn't make it – will those really be his last words to you?

"I'll wait here..." you murmur, not able to move with the familiar cold spreading inside of you. It's the same cold that had afflicted you after Chishiya left you on the Beach's rooftop, and you just can't take your eyes off the entrance, pathetically hoping for him to get out once more.

An places her hand on your shoulder for a short moment. "I honestly don't understand why you decided to go with him."

You just exhale a shaky breath, watching as An and the other two get inside the casino too. "Good luck."

"I don't think luck will help us here", An grins over her shoulder, "but I appreciate it. See you soon!"

The entry sign shuts off once they disappear inside, and a metal gate comes down, blocking the entrance so no one else can get in.

Once more, you're all alone.

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