Hearts against Minds

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This is the first time that Chishiya is still asleep when you wake up, and he doesn't even stir when you turn around and hug him. Not that you'd blame him – it has been a very long night for both of you, and even though it has to be already late in the morning, you probably didn't have more than a handful hours of sleep.

You would have slept even longer if it wasn't for the cold, but the warmth inside the caravan has vanished completely. The constant ticking of the heater trying to produce more heat reaches your ear, and it seems that you ran out of gas somewhen during the night. But for now, the blankets and the warmth of Chishiya's body shield you from the low temperature, and you smile as your hands carefully move over his naked skin.

Parts of your body feel sore, and only a minor part can be blamed on yesterday's game.

Everything that happened last night, the things you did... how he allowed you to take over control, how you were able to discover what he takes pleasure in, how you spent hours without speaking one word and yet it feels like you have never talked more with each other.

And now you're here, watching over him while he still sleeps. You're doing exactly what he has asked you to: to be his strength while he is vulnerable.

It takes him around half an hour more to wake up. You can feel it in the way his body starts to shift, a slight movement of his legs, a turn of his head, a fluttering eyelid. He lets out a soft sigh and wraps his arms around you, pulling you tighter into a hug as if he doesn't want to wake up just yet.

Like this, you doze off for a few more minutes, but you can tell exactly when he fully regains his consciousness. His body tightens and he groans at the lack of warmth.

"We could just stay in bed for a while longer," you mumble against his chest, "it's still warm enough here."

Chishiya breathes out, something you can feel in your hair. "The gas bottle won't replace itself."

"Mhhm, maybe if we wait long enough..."

He snorts and pushes the blanket aside, which you quickly grab and wrap it around your body to replace the cold where his body has just been a moment before. Although it isn't the same warmth.

His skin is immediately covered in goose bumps now that he's exposed to the cold air, but this isn't what draws your attention to it. It's the red marks all over his back, traces left by your fingernails, and you know that they can be found not only there but all over his body.

Sadly, he doesn't give you much time to admire him, because he quickly puts on some clothes and shoes to take care of the heater. You wonder if he thinks about what happened, if he has similar regrets to when you first kissed. But it doesn't feel like he does, at least as far as you can tell.

While you watch him exit the caravan and hear the noises from the hatch that contains the gas bottle, you already make plans to get up as well and put on the kettle for tea and coffee, maybe even start to make breakfast. Something that will do him a favor, to show how good you know him already.

But when you open your eyes the next time, the water is already boiling and Chishiya is reading the Metamorphosis, and the heater is running on maximum.

"Oof, can't believe I fell asleep again!" You kick away the blanket now that the temperature is fully back to comfortable and stretch out in bed with relish.

Chishiya gets up to make his tea, but he stops midway and watches you. "Seems like you needed it."

As you feel his eyes on you, you realize that you're still completely naked and currently in a pretty exposable position. Surprisingly it doesn't feel embarrassing, you even enjoy the way he looks at you. You curl up for a moment longer and he eventually pours water into his cup before he places the pot back to the stove. "There's still enough for coffee. You better get up while it's still hot."

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