When Dreams Come True

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"We should have made a list."

You sigh in annoyance when another gust of wind blows your hair into the face and before you can even raise your hand to push it aside, the wind has made it even worse.

The rain has stopped and it will stay like this for a while since the sun is even shining through at times, but the heavy wind brings you to the verge of despair. As soon as you woke up in the morning, you realized that you definitely had to roam some shops again because almost everything had run out. There were no cereals left for breakfast, nothing but a last bit of dry rice for lunch, and your instant coffee wouldn't be enough for more than one or two cups.

It didn't look better with the toiletries as well, so you decided to leave early in case the weather would change again. A thought that wouldn't have been bad at all if the rest of the morning had went well.

While you had helped Chishiya with filling up the water tanks, the muddy street caused you to slip, completely ruining your favorite jeans. On top of that, the cut on your arm showed first signs of infection, and it didn't help at all that cleaning the chemical toilet didn't go well for you this time.

What a beautiful day.

Chishiya has endured your mood with surprisingly few mocking comments so far, and he doesn't seem to bother at all that you have to walk further away from the caravan than originally planned because it turns out that the shopping mall there doesn't have a single pharmacy.

You would have left it at that, optimistic that the cut will heal again soon, but Chishiya had been adamant to get some disinfectant and proper bandages. And while he does most of the navigating, you are busy with keeping your hair out of your face and trying to remember what things you have to obtain.

"Don't worry, I won't forget anything."

He speaks true with no doubt, but it feels more like you just need to grump about anything. You're hungry, your feet begin to hurt and you just want to hide under the warm blankets and don't come out until the next day has begun.

You glance to Chishiya, hood drawn deep into his face to keep the wind away from his hair while you had been forced to leave your hoodie back in the caravan because it was full of mud. All you have now is a thin jacket that doesn't even have a hood.

"Still... I would have felt more secure with a list."

"Why didn't you write one then?" Chishiya smirks at you and the way he does makes you pout.

"... Because I forgot."

He hums with the smirk still on his face and lets you continue your lamenting. About the roots breaking through the asphalt, making it harder to walk, the puddles you step into more than once and of course always the strong wind. There is something else out there though. The further you depart from the caravan, the louder a familiar sound gets even through the storm.

Two blimps hover high above in some distance, one to your left and one to the right side. Left is what seems to be the King of Hearts, and the other is the King of Diamonds banner moving heavily in the wind. Chishiya doesn't even care to hide the interest as he watches the Diamonds blimp once in a while.

"Do you want to take part in it?" you shout through the stormy weather, and Chishiya nods barely noticeable.

"I could use some challenge again. Would you be able to find the way back on your own?"

It doesn't come surprising, but you still don't like it. You want to shake your head so maybe he changes his plans and accompanies you back to the caravan, but he'd most likely just make you wait in front of the game until he is done. And you're not sure if you prefer waiting in the warm and cozy caravan or immediately knowing if he has made it by hanging around right in front of the building.

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