And Where One Story Ends...

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The blood. So much blood. Why won't it stop?

It is Usagi who loosens the sling around her arm to try and wrap it around Chishiya's body, and you help her with that. But the white cloth is soon covered in red blood over and over, and there comes more.

"The bleeding won't stop!!"

Her voice is as desperate as you feel, but at least she is able to speak in proper sentences while you can do nothing but to mutter his name again and again. Chishiya looks at you, and even in a situation like this he has the audacity to smirk.

"There's likely internal damage... Without the proper facilities in this country, I... only have a few more hours... or maybe half a day left..."

"Stop it. Stop talking such nonsense. I won't hear any of it!" you sob uncontrollably now, and you take his face into your hands, brushing aside a strand of blonde hair with your finger. It leaves a crimson mark on his skin, but most of it is quickly washed away by the rain. Or is it your tears?

Leaning your forehead against his and causing your noses to touch, you realize just how cold his skin is. And his eyes, those endless brown orbs, are covered in a feverish film now, but at least they're still able to lock with yours.

"Chishiya... you're the med student. Tell me... tell us what to do, so we can fix you up! There has to be something I can do."

Usagi kneels down next to you, and while she does not cry, she looks quite shaken as well. "Why did you cover me? That's uncharacteristic of you."

The chuckle coming from Chishiya is not at all like the sound you've fallen in love to. His voice sounds so weak and pained, and you want to shush him so he won't hurt himself more than necessary.

"Maybe I just wanted to try being 'uncharacteristic'..." He glances to Usagi for a short time, but quickly turns back to you. "I came to accept that... the prospect of changing in order to see the future ahead... didn't sound all too bad. That's all."

"What are you talking about-," you whisper to him while you continue to caress his cheek. Change to see the future? What sense lies in such a change if it will get you killed shortly after; where's the future in that?

"Hey, Chishiya." As you look up, you can see Arisu, his eyes glued to the concrete under your feet while he speaks. "Before this shootout... You had something you wanted to talk about? What was that about?"

A hiccup shakes your body, probably because of all the sobbing, but you're too confused and shocked about what's going on to care about that. As far as you know, Arisu had been the one being used by Chishiya in his attempt of stealing the cards. Something you had only learned after the Beach burnt down because of the Witch Hunt. And yet he does not seem to be angry at all. Something has happened between those two while you were gone. Just how much have you missed in less than a day?

Chishiya doesn't speak for a while. The bleeding still hasn't stopped, but there's less blood now. Not that this'd be reassuring in any way, considering the huge puddle of crimson continuously growing under his body. If there's less blood to come... it's not because the wound is closing. It is because there's not too much blood left inside his body.

He groans and closes his eyes for a moment, and you kiss his forehead and stroke his hair as an attempt to ease his pain a little. But even though it obviously hurts him, Chishiya answers, the words leaving his mouth slowly and pressed. "I... used to view humans as foolish beings... I couldn't stop the psychological abuse... I..."

You lift his head as he coughs, and the sight of his pale lips quickly being covered in red and viscous liquid is almost too much to bear. "Please, you have to stop talking!"

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