Too Late

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The rain feels so cold. Like ice-cold needles piercing your skin with every drop falling down from the thick clouds. But there is another cold emerging from deep inside of you, and it tastes like fear. Is this the end?

You wanted to be strong, wanted to stand up against his apathetic manners for once, because you were angry – and still are – and it was just right to show him. He might not be the most experienced when it comes to relationships, but even for someone like Chishiya, it means not only to take, but to give as well.

Sure, he has given you many things lately. And it's fine if he doesn't want to talk about his past for now. Yet he didn't have to be so blunt about it!

You ruffle your soaked hair and shout out angrily. Why does loving Chishiya have to be so difficult at times?

It doesn't matter where you go, because you can't see clearly anyway. Even without the tears constantly streaming down your cheeks, the rain would make it impossible to make out anything further away than your outstretched hand. Not that you'd know where to go. Waiting for Chishiya at the game venue is not an option, because you can't face that man right now without the danger of punching him into his face. And going back to the caravan doesn't feel right as well...

Will he come back once he's done clearing his silly game? Will he agree to talk about what happened and set things right again?

It is Chishiya, after all. He is not that kind of person to follow somebody around. What if pride will keep him from returning... what if he has put you behind already?

Facing him again like this isn't a good option anyway. You need to calm down first so you won't say or do things you might regret later. Right now, the rusty cars covering the street are taking the hits and kicks from you, and you don't care that your knuckles are turning brightly red and that your foot starts to hurt with a throbbing pain. The pain is the fuel you need right now, the physical ache as well as the incomprehensible pain inside your chest.

You barely realize how the markets and shops give way to a park, how a neat bridge leads you over a small river and how the broken pieces of a blimp have caused a school to collapse with parts of a Clubs flag still clinging to a swing next to the building.

A stray dog crosses your path, not really bothered by the cold rain although it appears as wrecked as you feel. Its fur is dull and tauted, and the ribs are clearly visible under its skin. It growls at you, but it is a weak noise, proving that the animal is more afraid of you than the other way round.

"This is all I have to spare... Sorry if it's not what you prefer to eat," you whisper as you pull out the fruit and nut mix and rip the bag open before placing it on the ground before you. You don't feel hunger right now, and thus take a few steps back so the dog can approach the offer with a safe distance to you.

It sniffs at the snack that is already soaked with rain, but starvation forces it to empty the whole bag within mere seconds. You don't wait for it to finish but instead continue your aimless walk to nowhere, and you can't help but think about Chishiya. Has he been able to clear his game already? Does he think about you like you think about him? What will he say to you when you meet again?

Even without the rain, you would not be able to see the Jack of Diamonds blimp anymore. And the sound of its explosion would not reach to you either, so there is no way to find out about this for now. But you feel so cold that you can barely move any longer, and maybe it's time to search shelter somewhere from the rain.

Just... where?

You're sure that somewhere around here, you'll find an apartment that you can break in to easily. Some unlocked door, a destroyed window maybe... And if you're lucky enough, there will even be some canned food.

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