Fool's Paradise

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AN: this chapter contains graphic depictions of death.


Hibiki screeches and almost stumbles over the desk while stepping back, his hands clutched in front of his mouth as his skin turns completely white. "They... they want us to k- kill someone?!"

It only takes one huge step for Mr. Muscle to approach you, and with a grunt, he rips both knife and glass out of your hands. "I wouldn't mind to rip open your throat, shitty-pants", he barks towards Hibiki, taking a threatening step towards him, but he stops midway as the short-haired twin speaks up.

"This isn't a Hearts game. We don't have to kill someone just to get a bit of blood."

The big guy snorts, flipping the knife in his hand. "Who's gonna be our volunteer then, eh?"

You're sure he'll go for Hibiki nonetheless, but to your surprise, he turns around and faces you. Before you can even comprehend what's happening, Mr. Muscle shoves up the sleeve of your hoodie, and then there's a sharp pain in your arm, causing you to scream out loud.

"Oww! What the -??" Instinctively you want to pull back your arm, but Mr. Muscle easily holds it in place as dark red blood pours into the glass.

"You came across those lovely tools, so you should have the honor to test them as well!"

It burns like fire and the pain pulsates through your veins, and tears well up in your eyes while you try to escape the hard grip while not looking at the cut. You search for Chishiya instead, who slowly places down the notebook on the desk next to him. His face looks dark, and he doesn't turn his eyes away from yours.

It feels like hours even though it's just a couple of seconds, and the expression in the big man's face doesn't help you against starting to feel sick while he doesn't even care about your heavy struggles. The way he enjoys what he does heavily reminds you of Mira, but finally Chishiya is there to help you.

"Alright. That's enough." His cold voice pierces through the silence that has fallen upon all of you, and Mr. Muscle releases you with a chuckle. You immediately pull up the still bleeding arm to your chest, and the sight of the large cut makes you feel dizzy, but Chishiya gently takes it and starts to patch it up with tools he must have found inside the first-aid kit next to you. What sense of irony that you have been the one to find it.

The cut still hurts a lot, and the throbbing pain feels more than uncomfortable against the bandage that Chishiya is wrapping around it now.

"You could have simply asked for it", you spit out towards the muscular man, though it only increases his grin while he swivels the now blood-filled glass in front of your face. "Stop whining, princess. We'll solve this riddle while you let your boyfriend look after your scratch."

You want to shout at him and kick him in the balls or punch him into his ugly face, but how are you supposed to stand up against such a brute? So you swallow your anger instead and wipe away the tears, thankful for Chishiya's hand still resting on your shoulder once he is done bandaging you.

The cut will most likely leave a scar, but that's not what bothers you right now. It might not be as painful as being shot in the shoulder, but it still hurts. A lot.

The others turn their attention back to the liquids, except Hibiki who still stares at you with big eyes. Giving him a reassuring smile, you try to tell him that it's all fine. No one has to be killed in this game. And you are fine after all, right?

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