Something in Between

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Death is nothing that should be feared.

It is peaceful, after all.

Floating through this field of nothingness, you no longer care about anything that once was important to you. Time, past, the future... it all becomes irrelevant now that you're here.


Where is here?

You don't feel pain, nor fear. You see the wounds on your skin, the brightly red burns around your wrists, the reddened cut that shows signs of infection as well as the older scars that are barely visible anymore, but none of it hurts. There's just... warmth. Comfort.

There is no inner movie of your life passing by, no thoughts of regret over the things you have missed or did wrong. The air around you is light and warm, with no place for negative thoughts. It is such a delight compared to the agony you have felt on that chair, and you're glad to leave it behind.

Although it means to leave him behind.


You have to smile over the memory of what he said. Maybe both. Weeks, perhaps even months ago, he had told you that he saw no need in something like love. That there was no place for such an emotion in his heart.

So many things had happened since then! So many hugs, kisses, tender moments and concessions you would have never dreamed of. Even though he never really talked about it, he has changed his mind. At least when it comes to you.

And he doesn't even deny it himself any longer.

Will he miss you? What will he do when he realizes you're gone?

It is funny. You have heard so many things about death, have read so many stories, have even dreamt about it a few times – and it really is there. The light at the end of the tunnel.

Which means that you are not gone yet, but you're close. All you have to do is reach out for the spot where light and warmth are the strongest, and you will never have to suffer again.

And when the time comes, Chishiya will join you too. You can be together forever in a place that has no darkness, no fright.


A single word and yet it's enough to make you falter.

But why would you stay in a world that holds nothing other than pain?

Only that there are other things, you remind yourself. It has not always been fire and ache, it has been love and laughter, friendship and adventure.

But mostly love.


Without moving yourself, you feel how your body is being dragged towards the light. Not that it would be uncomfortable, more a gentle push towards the right direction.

Just that you're not sure if it really is the right direction any longer.

You cling to this single word, spoken by a voice that has become the most familiar thing to you. It's not easy to hold on while something keeps shoving you towards the other side, but suddenly you're afraid to let go.

What if he doesn't follow to where you'll go? What if you will never see him again?

And then you remember. The King of Hearts game. Not only Chishiya, but three other people rely on you to survive so they will live as well. No matter how tempting it is to give in to the light...

It is not time yet.


Not only do you hold on to the sound of such a simple word, but you pull yourself towards it. Something inside of you refuses to give in, wants to become one with the light, but you have made your decision.

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