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Just yelling at the top of her lungs for no reason to an innocent girl before entering her own tent, the repressed tears finally made it way rolling down on her cheeks at the pace of torrent, one after other continuously.

Gokçe had a hard sniff and she purposely dropped herself down on her floor. She felt the suppressed turmoil had its place from a decade, whilst she didn't even lived half of it.

"And why did you left me?"

The voices in her mind kept shouting taking her mind more and more by each passing second.

"Was our love only limited to an extent that you didn't even told me before leaving me Halime?"

"What was the reason Halime?"




"Enoughhhh...." Gokçe literally shouted by pressing her ears.

"Enough... Stop it!" Her loud voice was swapped by the little sobs she ge hold of. The heart which only beat for Ertugrul was finally splintered into scanty pieces, which might take her whole life to collect each one of them.

"Why? Why with me only?" Gokçe again broke down into flowing tears after having a moment of silence. She felt her heart pierced by the confession of Ertugrul's love for Halime with the audacity to divulge infront of the whole family.

She felt she wasn't ready for this outburst.

But she too knew somewhere, she wasn't ready to accept the truth, which broke her own-self!


"Selcan..." Hayme entered in her tent.

Selcan wiped a lone tear from her face. Hayme sat besides her. She knew the news was too much for Selcan to digest. And she only needed consolation.

"Are you okay, kizim?" She asked smoothly.

Selcan didn't averted her eyes towards her mother, and kept staring the group with empty eyes. Every other person thought of a different possibilities, yet a woman's heart remained all soft for her man.

"What do you think how I am Ana, after losing my child and now knowing my husband is in the hands of death?" Selcan's voice cold-fully held pain, of which she held herself the sole responsible.

"I understand daughter... I understand you very well, your husband who is my son too, is somewhere he isn't suppose to... But..."

Selcan saw her. Hayme is a mother, who knows to handle everything. And she knew it well than anyone.

"But the brave wife of a Bey doesn't loses hope like this, when she must pray, for praying heals all your problems. You know we will rescue Gundogdu tomorrow In Sha Allah. And since when did Selcan became hopeless?" Her words immediately drew Selcan towards her. Even the bravest of, needs a rising point for once.

Though Selcan started to shift into something else, Hayme knew, it will be for something good for sure. Just like Ertugrul, just like other problems, just like everything which happens for a certain good reason.

Selcan felt stable, which made Hayme left her on her own, because she too knew her own time. The time to engulf everything happened at once. Though drowned in the pain of her son, Hayme without a tear went in her own tent.



Turgut, Doğan, and Abdurrahman were standing in around Ertugrul, listening to his plans. Even though the whole unit of Alps had same task, but Ertugrul's special Alp's or close friends always held a different position for special tasks.

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