Tragic loss

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1 year ago...


Turgut's voice stopped Ertugrul.
He turned towards him, carefully looking around.

"Hayirdir (What's up) Turgut?" Ertugrul asked.

"Bey, you going somewhere? Should I come along or is there anything serious?" He put forth his concern.

"No no Turgut." Ertugrul patted his shoulder.

"You stay here only, I am going to look Hassan, I made him spy on Alev, but he is nowhere to be seen now. Let me check upon him once."
Ertugrul worriedly said.

"Bey, Alev? Our mentor's assistant, upon whom we were suspicious?"

"Evet (Yes) Turgut."

"Ok Bey. You don't worry." He assured his Bey.

"Yes, just cover for me incase something happen." Ertugrul said.

"As you wish bey."

Ertugrul nodded his head and went ahead.

They are towards the end of their Alp training. Yes, they are away from the tribe in their training. But his mentor's assistant Alev always screwed him. Undoubtedly he is someone with hidden identity.
They always thought.

For the same reason, he put his friend on spy, with his own will as Hassan was the first to present that suggestion.

Although away from the tribe, they knew well about all the problems Oghuz tribe were facing. These days are hard on them. The were on the edge of cleaving rather than unity. Templars and Mongols were only reason behind them, they were the enemies of Islam.
But treachery gained a high level, as it was the enemy of whole humanity!

So, doesn't matter far from tribe, they had to strive for justice and righteousness at any cost.

His was distressed now. He began to search for him nearby forest.


Somewhere in the deep forest, Alev arrived. He inspected his surrounding well.

Near the outer roots of a large oak tree, warily he pick out an aviery covered in oak tree leaves. The delicate bird's leg held a message for which he looked.

He seems to be a little cautious after reading secret message. He set the bird free and hide the cage where it was, as he aimed to go for something.

Again after taking a look of his bordering area, he departed.


"Huuhhhh ..." She sighed.

"Where he can be?"
Halime questioned herself.

"Allah have mercy on me, if uncle came to know about the things I am doing here, no one can save me then."
With a pouting face, she again said to herself.

Suddenly the voice of dry limb from somewhere took all her attention. She corrected her mask, as if ready to hide her face whenever she can. Her dagger was in her hand all set to be with her.

Without wasting a single minute, Halime followed the direction of voice.


A gazelle followed Ertugrul all his way, like a companion, which seemed to avert his attention. It slowed down with him, ran with him, it stopped with him.

Maybe she is escaping from a hunter and supposing him to be safe as he is without a weapon. And a breif look at wound near it's eyes made him understand that she is supposing him to be her helper.

He smiled at the innocent inarticulate creature!

He is now following the gazelle from couple of minutes ny walking behind her, it suddenly hit him.

He murmured to himself being highly disappointed.

He has his way already lost, although never known. Having no other option, Ertugrul kept following gazelle despite the fact that he too don't know why he is doing so.

More steps, and some more steps...
He found himself in a new direction. Maybe he forgot to search in here. He wasn't suppose to send his ally at his place, Ertugrul now deeply regretted it, while kept praying the whole time.

He is quite far now. An irregular footstep drew Ertugrul's attention. He stopped right there. Upon inspecting the mud, he found footstep all fresh.

"Who is with you?"
He suddenly clearly heard those feminine words.

Ertugrul ran behind the direction. Unknown to him, gazelle stayed with him, but changed her direction as soon Ertugrul came across two people.

He had a shock. An unexpected shock. He saw an unknown girl holding dagger which was in Hassan's chest already. He was still at distance but managed to see both.

She again repeated the question to him, but Hassan didn't replied, his condition was all dull.

"Hassan, kardes..." Ertugrul shouted, but at the same time she ran away from there.

Her wits was quick than him, she disappeared in a second. Ertugrul wanted to go behind her, but stayed for his brother. His some last difficult breath remained.

Ertugrul took him in his lap, and a teardrop fell on Hassan's face from his eye. He seemed to struggle with last words.

"Brot... Bro.." Hassan tried his best to say something, but he couldn't and he breathed his last breath.

Hassan died! In Ertugrul's arms.

"Hassan... Hassan brother.."
Ertugrul patted his cheek in a terrified condition, but it was too late. He was gone now!

He literally cried for his brother, as he lost his life somewhere because of him. He paid with his life for his own plans.

Ertugrul couldn't take it.


Halime ran away enough to not to be seen by someone. She stopped near a tree. Her work got ruined. Everything ruined.

"Damn it Halime, damn it!"

She angrily blurted.

"How could you let someone see your face, it's first time someone saw my face while on my missions. Ughh! That wasn't suppose to happen, what am I going to do now?" Placing her hand on her head, she thought with a tense line on her face.

She was beyond helpless and clueless upon what to do on her mistake.


Ertugrul grieved so much. He lost his brother abruptly and have no idea on what to do.
Except for revenge.

"I swear I'll make you pay for what you did, woman." He clutched his cloth in grip and tightened it with each words.
With rage in eyes, he swore for revenge with that woman.!

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