Taking steps.

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The whole campus held a mourning silence. They lost their one dear Alp and a friend. His family got the heartbreaking news ever. No one expected him to attain martyrdom this soon, but death is inevitable. No grief or hope can prevent death.
It was written. It was his fate.

His mentor taught them all. His funeral prayer was done now, they all started to head towards their tent.

The mentor steadily watched the graveyard, seems to search for someone. His gaze went on Ertugrul.


Ertugrul saw him.

He made him stop and let everyone go. One and all went by. It was only two of them standing now.

"Evet(yes) Ustaad, you asked for me" Ertugrul asked, in a dry voice.

His face has the sorrow greater of them all. His eyes hold a hidden guilt, an untold truth...
Which took him a minute to read in those pair.

"Bak evlat(look child)"

He rested his hand on Ertugrul's shoulder in a protective and fatherly manner. Ertugrul looked in his eyes.

"We all know we can't hold what is about to happen. But we can try to not let bad thing happen."

Ertugrul got idea of what he can say.

"Look, I know son... There is some or the other thing you are upto, and some or other thing you know about your brother."

Ertugrul felt a pang of some unknown feelings building inside him. He now needs someone to whom he can brought it up all. He is not sure whether his mentor can it be or not.

"But... You should know that, I am with you."

Ertugrul once again raised his lowered brows to him.

"Until and unless you are right. Let the whole world's problem be upto you then. You can always bring anything to me..."

"You understand that, right son?"
He asked softly.

"Ertugrul nodded head slowly.

"Eyvallah Ustad."
Maybe that was a relief, he thought.

His mentor hugged him, assuring himself to be with him no matter what, by his calm hug.

They broke it. Ertugrul smiled at him.

"May Allah bless you."

"Ustad ..."

A voice interrupted them.

They turned to see, Alev standing there. It didn't took a second and Ertugrul boiled in anger seeing him. His eyes can't get off of him with unsettling rage. This was noticed by the mentor standing there. Ertugrul didn't wanted to do anything, so he controlled himself.

"With your permission Ustaad."

He stormed from there without even waiting for reply, but gave a deadly glare to Alev, as if a warning that his last days are not so far.

"Yes Alev."
Mentor thought it inconvenient to interrupt in this matter, so he acted like he was a blind eye.


"Any special reasons for living here?"

"Ugh... For Allah's sake now stop it Sophia." Halime said rolling her eyes.

Sophia giggled.

"No, it's just I am curious. First Sultana left her palace and went Madrasa then went to Alp's training campus and now here again. I doubt you, I doubt you so much Halime."
Sophia rased her eyebrows.

Halime sighed.

"I never left the palace Sophia. Please let me get ready." She said.

"Ohh... Again to somewhere, do whatever you want anyways."
Sophia shrugged and went from there.

Hassan, kardes....

Halime was combing her hair, when her mind turned away in the terrible moments of forest.

She remember running away from there because she heard some unknown voices from behind trees but didn't found anyone till far. She also remember her eyes meeting with that unknown man, whom she is assuming as that to be dead's partner, but she hurriedly went and didn't confronted him.

She ruined it, she thought. But she can fix it by going there again, she decided. She can risk her thousand lives for her state, she was adamant.

But she felt a giggle inside her own upon the thought of that unknown man. He can be her foe or friend she is not sure, but she was still attracted. But she don't want to be slave of her feelings. She want to go more further. She jerked her thoughts.

"Focus Halime, focus.... Come on, it's time to go now... Hopefully I'll find something." Halime tried to stay focused.


"I've done my works, they are probably thristy for each other's blood now. But for sure, they'll end up killing each other today or tomorrow. I am spying them both and thinking to create another misunderstanding which will be the reason for a killing spree of two warriors and beginning of destruction of Muslims."

He folded the letter and tied it with bird. All this while, his face held a winning smirk. He was more than sure with plan to destroy them both. He was aware of the fact of his power but was unaware of the power of Creator!

Alev left secretly.


Ertugrul was way wilful to sit down and continue mourning on deaths, rather he will disturb the whole world. And now, he had aimed for a revenge, let it be a woman. He entered his tent.


"Evet(yes) Bey." They stood up seeing Ertugrul entering.

"I am going out of campus Alps, but I am having a duty for you which I want you to complete no matter what." He ordered

"Yes bey, what it is?" Dogan asked.

Ertugrul removed a shiny, metallic ring. He handed over it to them. Ring has a specific mark of a state, it also represented something, but unknown to them. He felt, it was the key to their questions.

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