Who are they?

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After Ertugrul and his alps looked up in the tribe with two unknown people, Hayme ordered her family to not rush with the matter, and to talk with him later. She very well saw and understood the little boy's condition, and his vulnerable state didn't failed to melt her heart by seeing his younger son Dündar in him. Indeed a mother's heart is as soft as whole world's weight!

Mother Hayme, Gundogdu, selcan and Gokçe waited in the marque for Ertugrul. The matter didn't concerned him as much as the fear of facing another problem. Grave silence was prevailed all around.

Gokçe was seen all uncomfortable twitching her own hands for no good reason. That girl, that unknown girl, She thought to herself, took away all her easiness. Ertugrul was never free to strangers, opposite genders went far away, specially in these one year he was a distant mess with everyone, everytime busy in his own training and Alps. Then why this girl? Then why that concern in his eyes? Why the hospitality for them?

Gokçe breathed heavily, clutching her hands tightly with each other. This is making her restless. Humans can know the true intensions and events, if paid attention to it. And now this strange feeling is budging her from inside.

Selcan rested her hands on gokçe's, to stop her acts, but didn't gave her even a look. Gokçe looked at her sister, so weird, so silent, and most importantly so confuses all the times.They have to now deal with other Ertugrul?

"Ahh! Selcan these days."


Amanos Mountains,
Tapinakçilar Castle.

Tapinakçilar Castle locates at the Amanos mountains, all known for it's persecution on innocents, let it be of their own religion! The soldiers and governors, knows for their heinous victories achieved by crushing the innocents all their way. The all lightning castle, was silent now. It had witnessed their loss. Titus, the commander of soldiers, along with soldiers remained their head bowed all the time. Neither of them had any guts to put the face up. Neither of them can disrespect their governer.
Petruccio, the governor had a crushed map all scrumbled due to his anger.

"You can't even caught your enemy, neither can hold them at any cost! Damn you Titus!" Petruccio kept his volume low, but his dark voice gave enough creeps.

"Your brother maybe was no less than you, he deserved that!" Titus's head held high, he didn't expected this words, at all. His brother was not at fault, and the pain of not getting his brother's revenge was enough infront of this cold taunt.

"But master..."

"I know, I know it was all Alev's plan he planned previous year." He got cut at the starting only.

"But what really he too did before dying? Nothing! He was too as useless as you." Petruccio spatted venomously before walking away.
Unseen to everyone, Titus had a sudden water drop rolled on his cheek. It hit directly in his heart.

But he isn't going to waste his brother's precious sacrifice, neither will he remain unsuccessful in showing what Petruccio too actually is, Titus promises himself. Getting up from one knee, he bailed out with a bitter look.


"Destur(permission) Ana?" Ertugrul's voice came.

"Gel oğlum(come son)" Hayme ordered, straightening herself.
Ertugrul came inside and greeted everyone. They greet him back.

"Sit son." Hayme ordered him. He took his place besides Gundogdu, infront of Gokçe. The light on Gokçe's face on Ertugrul's presence, never goes unnoticed by Gundogdu. He knows there's something, which Selcan too knows.

But Ertugrul's face never glows up for Gokçe.

And that's what matters for Gundogdu.

Ertugrul knew it well, the reason for this gathering.

"Yes Ana..." He asked, directly.

"Who are they son?" Hayme too, is Ertugrul's mother, she too came in the point.

A peculiar utterance scattered around his face. It took him a literal minute to process the question.

Who are they?

Did he too ever knew who she is really! Is she is his lover, or his enemy? He find himself at the very beginning, but atleast at that time he wasn't in love with her. He wasn't in the drowning ocean, it was do or kill situation that time, and now die or suffer!

He sighed, deeply.

"They... Ana... they are.."

"Say it clearly Ertugrul.". Gundogdu said, listening his silence. Ertugrul looked at his brother.

"Abi... We were hunting, and they were in help. Some templars were them, so we helped them. That's it." He stated. Although no one asked him if there are some secrets.

"Templars? Really? But we are already their enemies, this will bring more problems now." Gokçe desperately interrupted.

Ertugrul's weirdly looked at her.

"So, was I suppose to leave them there in those cruel hands of Templars Gokçe?" Ferociously, Ertugrul blurted at Gokçe.

Gundogdu immediately put his palm on Ertugrul's lap, to calm him down. Gokçe backed up, as if he roared. No one should question Ertugrul's ethics, it's his another rule. He never likes anyone to be messing with him, even if it's his little sister, but unaware of the fact that her sister never looked him as a brother.

"Gokçe, please be quiet sister." Gundogdu tried to handle her.

All this while, Hayme was quiet.

"Ertugrul, Oğul... They are our guests, and I know you will take care of them very well, and you'll be cautious too son." Hayme said, Ertugrul nodded his head.

"If you excuse me." Saying, he went out.

"Ana, please excuse us.". Taking permission, Selcan too went out but taking Gokçe with her. Gundogdu and Hayme remained alone in the marque. Gundogdu saw a line of tension on her mother's face. He moving forward, gently placed his hand on her warm, loving mother's hand. Hayme looked at him from nowhere.
She took a deep breath.

"Since Suleyman's death...

She started taking an immediate pause.

"It all feels scattered. It feels like, having everything I am left with nothing. Only if Suleyman would have been here to deal with his envious brother, only if Suleyman would have been here to deal with my Ertugrul, who do every efforts to show us a happy him but is sad deep inside, only if he would have been here..." Hayme, slowly poured her heart. They'll have been blessed with everything, from dealing with Kurdoglu's tricks, to tackling traps. But they themselves were lost.

"This templars other side, who did an unsuccessful attempt to raid our tribe, and now these prisoners. Only Allah knows what they've brought with them." Hayme turned her eyes at Gundogdu. Gundogdu smiled at her.

"Ana.... My lovely mother... My beautiful mother... I too don't know what anyone brings with them, but I know about things we have, my fathers precious lessons, my brothers unbeatable bravery and intelligence, my mother's never-ending love, and our Allah's support. Which I believe is more than enough to deal even with the whole world's problem."
Hayme smiled, Gundogdu smilingly patted his hand softly in his mother'.

Indeed, lucky are those womens who have kings in the face of their sons.


"May I enter?"
Ertugrul's sudden voice startled sitting Halime. She came out of thoughts, and looked at the curtains.

She didn't had the courage to face him, after she left him, after he saved them, especially after when she is in their tribe. Neither can she leave Alexius in this condition, nor she can dare too look up at Ertugrul.

Definitely not after what she had done to him!


Sorry for the delay, I was not well.

And also, what do you think about why don't Halime wants to see Ertugrul?

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