Calling someone else Daddy/Mommy

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Thank you 091--honey for the suggestion. Leave suggestions for future chapters if you want to


(Y/N) was walking in the hallway with a children’s book in (His/Her) hand, (His/Her) Father couldn’t play with her and Sebastain and the other servants were busy with the daily chores. Bugs was in between (His/Her) arms as (He/She) walked when (Y/N) collided with another person, the two looked up and saw that (Y/N) had ran into Elizabeth, who decided to make an unexpected visit like normal. “Mommy, why are you here?” (Y/N) asked Elizabeth who blushed a bright crimson when (Y/N) called the blonde ‘Mommy’. (Y/N) didn’t have a Mother and Elizabeth was the closest thing to a Mother (Y/N) had. “I’m here to see your Father darling.” Elizabeth said to (Y/N), not telling the tiny three year old that she wasn’t (His/Her) Mother. 

“(Y/N), Elizabeth what’s going on?” A voice called out and the two looked and saw it was Ciel and Sebastian who were confused. “I accidentally bumped into Mommy Daddy.” (Y/N) told Ciel and both Ciel and Elizabeth blushed and Elizabeth looked like she was about to burst from how red she was. Sebastian was chuckling quietly and nobody corrected the child about how (His/Her) real Mother was.


One morning (Y/N) decided to go out and help in the kitchen, (He/She) liked helping Sebastian cook and clean since they could be close to one another. Mey-Rin then came into the kitchen and nearly broke another plate when Sebastian stopped her from falling. “Mommy are you okay?” (Y/N) asked Mey-Rin and the two looked at the tiny child and Sebastian sighed knowing that this would’ve happened eventually. “Kitten, Mey-Rin isn’t your Mother. Your Mother died when you were a baby, but she loved you with all her heart.” Sebastian told the three year old and while he lied about (Y/N)’s Mother being dead, he knew he couldn’t tell (Him/Her) the truth of their existence yet. “Oh, sorry Mey-Rin if I upset you.” (Y/N) apologized and went off to play. 

I don’t know who would visit the Undertaker so he gets excused


England was raining non stop yet again and so it restrained (Y/N) from going into the rose garden. William was stuck babysitting for Grell but William was able to catch up on the mountain of paperwork he was being on. “Daddy, what’s that?” (Y/N) asked William who didn’t even notice that (He/She) called him that. “Paperwork (Y-.” William was about to say but stopped and looked at the (E/C) child in front of him. “Did you just call me Daddy?” William asked and (Y/N) nodded (His/Her) head. “I’m not your Father, please don’t call me that again.” William told the child kindly but sternly and the child nodded. “Where do babies come from?” (Y/N) asked suddenly not even five minutes afterwards and Willaim groaned in annoyance with Grell’s child. 

‘I don’t get paid for this shit at all…’ William though in his head.


Another day at the office and this time (Y/N) was able to come. The sitter cancelled on Will, saying that they had a family emergency so Will was forced to bring the three year old with him. He didn’t mind as (Y/N) was really too well behaved. Right at this moment he was in a meeting with Grell and Ronald, both seemingly screwed up something else once more, this time however it was killing two people not on the ‘To-Die’ list. “You two need to be more careful, you nearly revealed Grim Society and if the higher ups hear about this I’m dead. My ass is on the line because of you two.” Will scolded the two and (Y/N) waved (His/Her) hand and Grell’s hair went from a long garnet red to a sapphire blue. “Bad Mommy, bad Ronny for getting Papa into trouble.” (Y/N) scolded them and the three looked at each other with amusement, worry and anger. “(Y/N) never do that again or you’re grounded.” Will warned his child who agreed and went back to playing with the toys on the floor. 

All three adults saw that (Y/N) was changing into a *BEEP* too quickly, they were running out of time before the transformation began.

Authors opinion: Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new chapter to this old book. Man I liked writing in this book back then and now that I decided to do it again, it might be more fun. I really can’t wait to reveal what Will’s (Y/N) is, leave your theories below and remember, not everything is what it seems. Either way have a good day or night and until the next time bye

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