First Doctor's Appointment

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Thank you @Anya4608 for the suggestion 


Today was an interesting day when your Father told you that you, he, and Sebastian were going to London for a few days. The whole ride was boring and not at all interesting, the only time it was somewhat fun was when you tried to see what was under your Father's eyepatch. When you all got to the office, the exam was painless except you cried since the doctor was creepy looking to you. The whole time your Father had to reassure you that you were alright. You were fine in the end of everything and got some candy as a treat.


You were a demon and didn't get sick despite being half human so you didn't need to go to the doctors.


Grell was hesitant towards letting a doctor do a check up on you, but in the end they wanted to know if you were healthy or not. William went with you two and that was to make sure Grell didn't kill the doctor that was helping you. At the end of the visit, you and Grell were given lollipops for good behavior while William left with a headache. 


Undertaker didn't want a doctor to work on you, you were healthy in his eyes. But you were also starting school soon and that would be an issue if you were sick then how would you get better. So he reluctantly took you to your first appointment, and you were very upset about that. Watching your parent work on dead bodies gave you both a sense of wonder as to why they're dead, and a fear of doctors. Thankfully after you were bribed by the doctor, you were fine and one healthy child. 


Will usually took you about once or twice every few months, they wanted to make sure you were alright considering that you're a *BEEP* and the transition was drawing near. Each time they did your height and made sure that you were hitting your milestones, all the while you were expressionless like William.

Authors opinion: Oh my god, I'm sorry guys for making this wait for so long. I didn't mean to do that. Yes I was also mentioning what William's child could be, but that chapter will happen soon. Either way I hope you guys enjoyed this and were patient with me and until the next time bye

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