Bath Time

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I wanted to make sure (Y/N) was alright with Finny and them as (He/She) has been here for a few months now, I was in a meeting with a nearby Nobleman when their was a crash. I gave Sebasitan a look that said 'Look who fucked up'. Sebastian left and we finished up the meeting, I guided the Nobleman out and walked to the kitchen where (Y/N) was with the servants.

I walk in and saw (Y/N) covered in mud and whatever dinner was supposed to be. I saw (Him/Her) giggling at the three bumbling idiots, who were more messy than the literal baby. I was cross but Sebastian who somehow got dirty as well was furious with the three, I knew I had to give them a bath so I told Sebastian that I wanted a bath drawn.

He knew what I was planning on doing so he left and got the bath ready. The water wasn't too high and so I went in first testing the water temperature, then carefully Sebastian handed me (Y/N). I place (Him/Her) on my lap and handed a rubber duck to let (Him/Her) play with.

I gently cleaned the three month old making sure nothing was dirty from today's mishap, when bath time was done I handed (Him/Her) to Sebastian so I could get out and get done before getting to them.

I get (Him/Her) into a (F/C) onesie and places them into the crib in their room. (He/She) was put like a light as soon as their head hit the small bedding.


Over the last few months, I've been getting used to being a father. Of course Master would have to get used to a infant around the manor but he didn't mind, in fact I think he actually likes it but he will never admit. 

One afternoon I was walking outside holding (Y/N) in my arms, I liked walking about in the not destroyed garden and so did (Y/N) being part cat but I have no idea if it's true or not. It was hot outside and the Master was sitting under the umbrella in the garden and he asked or ordered my help so I placed (Y/N) down and helped the Master with whatever he needed help with.

Of course taking an eye off a baby was a bad idea as (He/She) got into the flower bed and pulled the Master's favorite flowers. (He/She) was a mess and covered in dirt and mud, (He/She) was giggling of course but I tsked at them. 

I took them and went to my room, drawing the bath water to a decent temperature and undressed the child. I swear as soon as I showed (Him/Her) the water they sharpened their claws and dig them into my coat arm. 

"Now (Y/N), it's only water nothing to be scared of. I know due to your cat like genetics your like this but it won't harm you I promise." I told the small child, thought the words calmed (Him/Her) down (He/She) still clung to my arm for near death. I then placed the child into the bath and showed them a rubber duck to play with.

After the duck was shown, the claws disappeared and I got (Him/Her) cleaned up. Luckily dinner was done earliar or else things would not be done today, I dry them and get (Him/Her) dressed in a (F/C) outfit and placed them down for nap time.


Of course life with a child is difficult, but it is one with many laughs. Well one day I was working on a lovely new corpse and of course I placed (Y/N) in (His/Her) coffin and playing with a toy kitten the Earl of Phantomhive gave them when he was last here, I just finished cleaning the body when I heard a splash coming from the back.

I ran in the back and saw a pot of stew that was given to me from some neighbor and was going to eat it for dinner, but now it was on the floor and all over a five month child. I take the pot off (Him/Her) and got the clothes off them and head to the bathroom, I get the bath running and place (Him/Her) in and they threw a fit but I still got them cleaned.

After I took (Him/Her) out (He/She) once again started crying and then I placed them into their coffin and let (Him/Her) fell asleep.


I was enjoying Father (Son/Daughter) time with (Y/N), today we were planting roses in the garden in the backyard. I already cut the thorns off the plants in case (Y/N) touched them or me since I'm handling the planting.

We were outside the whole morning and when we were done, we had dirt and sweat all over our body and clothes. I sighed and got up, picking up (Y/N) and walk to the bathroom and get ready for a bath.

I went in, holding (Y/N) in my lap. I gently scrub (His/Her) scalp and body making sure the soap got all of the dirt off (Him/Her). I got cleaned up as well and I placed a red towel around me and a (F/C) towel around (Y/N), Luckily I got those out of the dryer this morning so they smell like lavender.


I had a long shift at work today, and I knew it will be a longer night because Grell was babysitting (Y/N) for me. I walked in and saw the horror, their was red paint all over my floor which was hardwood and not carpet or else I would be furious. I walk into the living room where Grell and (Y/N) were finger painting with paint, I saw they tried to keep it neat but when you have a four to five month old baby you come to expect issues.

"Will oh I'm sorry I tried to keep things on the tarp but (Y/N) crawled away with the bottle a while ago. I wasn't expecting you home now so I'll clean everything up and you can get (Y/N) into the bath." Grell said in his normal cheery tone and began cleaning up and I sighed, at least he's doing something useful with his pathetic life.

So I took (Y/N) into the bathroom and ran lukewarm water, (He/She) didn't like too warm or too cold water. I got all the paint off of (Him/Her) and dried (Him/Her) with a (F/C) with a duck pattern on the towel.

I get them dressed in a (F/C) outfit and put (Him/Her) into (His/Her) crib, they found there favorite stuffed bunny and waved at me and then fell asleep. I gave a slight smile and made it quickly disappeared as Grell was shouting across the house and luckily (Y/N) was a heavy sleeper and I lined the room with foam for the loud Grim Reaper.

Author's opinion: Oh hi it's done, I know you guys got one sometime this week but here's another. Also on Saturday til Wednesday next week I'll be on vacation in Virginia so updates might not happen there idk yet so enjoy the ones you have now, anyway until the next time bye

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