When You Get Into Trouble

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Today was like any normal day, at least you thought so until your father had an important visitor and you were allowed to be in there but not to be a pain or embarrass him. Everything was fine until you decided that the visitor was spending too much time with your father and so you threw one of your toy blocks at him and it hit his head, they looked at you but you were able to pretend that you didn't do anything.

And so you did this for the rest of the meeting, and your father saw the entire thing so when the visitor left the manor he walked over to you. "(Y/N) Phantomhive I saw what you were doing and for being rude your going to be punished." He said and being a one year old who hasn't really got into trouble before you were confused and you hesitated on giving him your arm.

Once you did he smacked it four or five times, you were confused but you felt pain and begin crying. You moved into a corner of the room and cried your little heart out, eventually your cries stopped and right as soon as they stopped Sebastian brought in chocolate cake. You walked over with your stuffed rabbit and looked at your one eyed father who was about to eat the cake. "Are you done being rude?" He asked and you nodded and he sliced the cake into a good size for you to eat and he picked you up and you sat on his lap while you two ate the cake.


Being a half cat half demon may seem fun but it isn't, one day your father was in the library cleaning the books on the shelf and you wanted to help so you dragged a chair to the bookcase and begin using your tail to get the dust and you wanted to get up higher so using your cat like nails you climbed up the bookshelf and began dusting but then you heard a gasp.

You turn your head and see your father staring at you on the expensive oak shelf. He picked you up and took you to your bedroom and you knew you did something wrong but you just wanted to help. Once you get to your room you were placed on the bed and he sat down and pulled you into your lap, and smacked your tail area and you begin to cry from the pain as that area was sensitive.

"This is what you get for climbing the bookshelf." Your father said and you jumped away and crawled into a ball and began hissing at him, the fur on your tail was stood up and the tail itself was arched. He saw how defensive you were now and he felt a ache in his demonic heart, he tried to come closer but you began swatting at  him and he sighed and left the room.

Some hours later you were woken from your nap by your father who had a tray of food, you look at him with anger but he sat down and you hugged your tiny figure close to you and not at him. "Calm down kitten, I've been too harsh have I?" He questioned and you nodded petting your tail and his eyes softened and he moved closer to you and he held his hand out and you knew that he wanted to do something with you. You took his hand and he pulled you into a hug which took you by surprise, he rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head.

"I'm sorry dear for hurting you, you were just trying to help and I realize that now." He said and you hugged his shirt tighter fearing that he might leave you. He broke the hug and looked at you but you were sleeping so he placed you under your blanket and took the food and closed the door behind him.


Working at a morgue takes a lot of work, and with a one year old it is harder. You loved seeing the new bodies that come in, each one was amazingly different and you wanted to help your giggly father so you found a stool and climbed it and saw the body. You grabbed some tissues and began cleaning it but doing that caused the body to fall to the ground where your father walked in.

His normally cheerful smile was instead turned fowl and angry, he dragged you to the bedroom and locked the door leaving you alone and all your toys were in the main room so you begin to cry and bang on the door for your father. As much as the man wanted to open the door you needed to learn not to touch things without permission, he picked up the body and began doing work when he saw that some of the tissues were covered in dirt and blood he was happy that you were helping but he didn't want you to do this by yourself.

You stopped crying after ten minutes and then you just stared at the wall, you were lost in thought when you heard the door open and then you see your cheery father who had something which seems impossible, a straight face and you see him wanting to laugh but he doesn't. "Are you done dearie?" He asked and you nodded and he picked you up and put you in the main room where your toys are. "Now you can play with your toys until dinner alright." He said and you nod happy with your toys and seeing you happy made him happy.


The feminine Grim Reaper was just making dinner when he heard a crash from his room dedicated to Bassy, he ran and saw his book of images of the Demon on the floor with many destroyed and teared and the person who done it was none other than one year old you. He gasped in horror and picked you up, he took you out of the room and sat you down on his lap and grabbed a ruler he had for some odd reason. He whacked your bottom with it and he heard your cries but you had to be punished, you destroyed something of his so that is your payback. 

He let you go and you run to the garden or known to him your safe haven, he waited until you were calm and so he went to the room and fixed everything and finished making dinner. By the time dinner was done you weren't inside and he was worried, he looked in the garden and saw you were watering the flowers and he just watched from afar and saw you were calming yourself with flowers.

You came in after it became dark, he saw you were in and he ran and picked you up squishing your tiny figure. "I'm sorry (Y/N) I didn't mean to, so I hope you don't hate me." He said and he was shocked when you spoke as you rarely talked. "I don't hate you Dada, I just hated you being heart broken every time you Bassy so I tore up the photos." You explained and he hugged you tighter until you were turning blue. He put you down and you ate dinner and went to bed, while Grell was wondering how he got the perfect (Daughter/Son).


Will had a shitty day, he had to fire your babysitter as he caught her about to have sex in front of you while you were playing with your stuff cat you got for your birthday. Not to mention he had a headache thanks to Grell and Ronald who didn't do their jobs and so he had to do theirs for no extra pay, so when he arrived at home and saw you were awake and had a bottle of Will's expensive whiskey in your grasp. He yelled which scared you a bit and he snatched the bottle and slapped you across the face, you touched your cheek and you were fine like that has happened before. 

Grell watched the whole thing and he was scared shitless, he tried to get away but Will caught him with his Death Scythe. "Why did my ONE year old (Daughter/Son), have a bottle of whiskey in their grasp?!" He yelled at the red haired Grim Reaper, and you stepped in front of him and protected Grell the best you could. "Sam let me have some when your not around and her boyfriend was over, sorry Dada I thought it was apple juice." You said and his eyes widened and let Grell go, you looked into your father's green eyes and he sighed. "I guess it's a good thing I stopped you before it was too late. (Y/N) dear that wasn't apple juice in fact it's not good for you, please don't drink that again understand." He said and you nodded and gave him a hug and he took you straight to the bathroom and gave you a bath and put you to bed.

Authors opinion: Hello everyone here we are the next chapter, and this I wrote in one day so that's good I think. I was planning to post this earlier but between my doctors appointment and then back to school with my brother and parents I barely had time to write without breaking my thumbs. Anyway please enjoy and let me know what scenario you want and I hope you have a good summer or winter if your in Australia and until the next time bye

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