Spending Quality Time

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Since work is always making me busy but when I don't have any work, I usually take (Y/N) to my room and we read some books while (He/She) plays with Bugs.

"Having fun (Y/N)?" I ask the child, (He/She) nods and gives me a hug to which I hug back.


We're at our favorite place, which is the garden. I rarely have time off and the other servents make my life harder than normal but I somehow make time with (Y/N) as they won't be a baby forever and I want (Him/Her) to have a decent childhood.

I grab (Y/N) and show (Him/Her) the Master's favorite White Roses and grabbed one and gave it to (Y/N). (He/She) instead gives me the flower and says "Here Dada, flower." I was happy and took it and tied it where my handkerchief normally is.


Like a certain earl, I'm usually busy with work so when I do have time to spend with (Y/N), I takes (Y/N) out to the park near the house. (He/She) loves playing near the pond, and usually ends up muddy which makes me chuckle.


Being a Grim Reaper gets annoying and that leads me to not spend as much time with my (son/daughter) as I like to thanks to Will, but when I do spend time with them we go to the backyard and work on the garden we have. (Y/N) loves it to death and loves touching the roses that have thorns in them, then we have a bloody tantrum but that's alright cause in the end I make mushroom risotto without wine as I can't be serving alcohol to a child.


Due to a certain Grim Reaper who keeps getting into over time, so I am rarely able to see (Him/Her) so the most time we spend together is at night when I read (Y/N) (His/Her) favorite story for bed. Thought I know (He/She) doesn't stay up to hear the end I read to the end and watch with some happiness in my heart.

Author's opinion: I know I haven't updated this story for some time but I have been busy and now that I have finally set up my computer updates should be faster if not, sorry but I'm a naturally lazy person. This one will be one I will work on for a while until I decide to do another one, now I'll leave you alone and until the next time bye

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