When you say a curse word

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Two years passed and you were now three and the first time going horseback riding with your father as you were too young to do that and your father was three when he first went horseback riding. You two were having a ball until you fell and a bad word slipped from your mouth causing your father to be mad. 

"Shit!" You had said and your father with the help of Sebastian were able to get down and pick you up and smack your hand. "Where did you hear that word (Y/N)?" Your father asked and you point to him, Sebastian and mentioned Bard and the two got embarrassed. "Well no longer speak those words again, am I clear or no more cake." He warned and you rapidly nodded as you love cake.


For being a three year old Demon child you would think that your father would've known that you would curse soon but not as young as you were. You were simply in the kitchen with Bard and he was trying to blowtorch dinner again and be burned everything once again. "Crap, I did it again huh (Y/N)." He said and your father was right by the doorframe watching you with protective eyes as you were near a blowtorch. 

"Crap indeed Bard, oh hi Dada." You say as you say your father and boy his face was not a happy one. "(Y/N) Michaelis what did you just say?" Your father asked and you smiled and said the word again. "I said crap like Mr. Bard, was I not supposed to?" You questioned and he nodded and you nodded and apologized. He nodded and you left the kitchen and went to your room while Bard was being scolded by your father for his foul mouth. 


It was another visit from the Earl of Phantomhive and his Demon butler, you were simply reading a medical book you got for your last birthday and then the Earl happened to stub his toe with the table and mumbled "Bloody hell." But unknown to him you heard that and you just ignored it and then you stumbled a word you didn't understand. By that time your father was back in the main room and you didn't exactly mumbled those words, so when you said it everyone looked at you. 

"Dearie where did you hear that sentence?" Your father asked his face still had a smile but his tone wasn't a cheery one, you pointed to the Earl and he got defensive. "I said no such thing." He declared and you got up and hit him with the book, he rubbed his head and looked at you with his uncovered eye. "You mumbled it after you stubbed your toe against the table, you hoped no person heard it but I did so yes I learned it from you young Earl." You say and the young male scratches his neck with his hand and this caused your father to laugh. 

"You just got own'd by a three year old, and that my dear Earl has paid for your information." Your father said and the day went normal like it does every other day at the parlor. 


A Grim Reaper known for being dumped by a Demon he seems like he would curse a lot but really he doesn't, in fact in his house he doesn't since his three year old (Daughter/Son) could hear those words and use them. One day Will was over and scolding your father due to the fact that he didn't finished his to - die list and Will was using some colorful language. "You fucking stupid Demon loving fucktard, finish your fucking shit or else I wi-" "Shut the fuck up Uncle Will!" You yell interrupting the man, they both look at you and Grell screamed telling you to not say those words and Will was palier than normal.

"Fine but Uncle Will needs to stop being a dodo head." You said and your father agreed and Will just sighed and left the room.


As a three year old child you have had no issue what so ever unless it was when Grell or Ronald was around so it was once or twice a month. Today really took the cake thought as Ronald was flirting with Julie also known as your babysitter, she of course was trying to get him away from her but failed and he whispered something but you had higher hearing and heard what he whispered. Your father came home and he paid Julie for the week and you hugged the man and asked him a questioned. 

"Dad what is 'putting my dick inside your pussy' mean, Uncle Ronald told that to Julie but he whispered it," You said and Will's eyes widened by two sizes, he looked into your (E/C) innocent eyes and put you into your room and told you not to say those words and never repeat that again. You agree and went to bed, and your father went to his office and called Ronald and yelled at him for his foul mouth and thank goodness for him being able to yell yet be quite.

Authors opinion: Good day everyone we got two chapters within two days so you guys are getting a treat, and now in this one were no longer one but three and don't worry I'll do a christmas one soon but not yet. Now I have no clue when I might publish a chapter until the 24th as right now my right ear is jam packed with ear wax causing pain and me to cry in the right eye but the pain is terrible and I scratched the inside so until the 24th I have to deal with this so updates might be non existent for a bit. Anyway I'll let you go and until the next chapter bye

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