Your Birthday

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Today seemed a normal day in the Phantomhive manor, but it wasn't as today was (Y/N)'s first birthday. The manor's salon was covered in (F/C) streamers, and balloons thought Finny nearly popped them from blowing too much. You were in your room sleeping still as they didn't want you to be cranky, so when you did come out of your room thanks to Sebastian's help as you still couldn't climb out of the crib you were still tired. 

But once you saw your Father you woke straight up, you wanted to be held by your Father so you were passed to him and smiled which made him gives his rare smiles and the other servants were amazed as according to Bard. "If he smiles I bet ya he dies." but he was still standing and breathing but you had an obsession with his eye patch and wanted to wear it but he put you down. 

"Come on (Y/N) I have something for you." He said and you were happy completely forgetting the eye patch and took his hand and followed him to the salon where you saw (F/C) streamers and balloons and a (F/C) cake. You looked at your Father and gave a confused look.

"What's happening Dada?" You asked and he gave a small chuckle and he looked at you and gave a small smile which the other servants were quietly admiring from afar. "Today is your birthday, today you turn one years old." He told you and thought you were only one you had a feeling it was important. 

He guided you to the pile of gifts and helped you open each one, you got new clothes and a friend for 'Bugs' which was a stuff bear and you named it 'Cherry'. Everyone was happy that you were happy, the only thing that wasn't happy was your Father's bank account but that would rise over time as you were testing the company's newest prototype toy. "Did you enjoy your birthday (Y/N)?" Asked your Father and you nodded and gave a hug and fell asleep in his arms.


You woke up hearing something break, you were able to get out of your bed as it was on the ground. You open the door and walked out of the room and roamed the halls, you saw something broken on the ground so you walk on the walls to go around the broken pile of plates. Once I'm away from the broken plates I get off the wall and head outside, still looking for Papa. 

I end up in the garden and see Finny doing his job, I also see some stray cats and I go near them. One with a black shiny coat looked and came over to me, I picked up the kitty and played with it and unknown to me someone was watching me. "Ahh (Y/N) what in blazes are you doing out here?!" Shouted Finny scaring the kitty which scratched my face causing me to cry and Finny to panic. "What the he- (Y/N) oh dear what happened?" Papa asked while running to my side, I was in too much pain and crying to answer. "Well it seems (Y/N) was playing with a stray cat and I scared the cat which caused the scratch, the only reason I even yelled as (He/She) was out here most likely looking for you sir." Finny explained and I was taken inside and Papa was able to clam my cries and clean the scratch. 

"Sorry Papa." I told him and he was taken back but he chuckled. "No dear I'm sorry, I was making your birthday cake and I completely forgot to wake you up this morning." He said and I hugged him, and them my face stung and I begin to tear up and then the scratch was cleaned up and I had to wear a bandage that covered my right eye as it scratched that eye. "Now you look just like the young Master." Papa exclaimed and I giggled and he guided me to the dining room where the Master was having some cake meant for me.

"Master you couldn't wait until (Y/N) arrived huh, greedy as always." Papa said and he sighed in disappointment and I giggled at the remark and then the Master gave us both a glare and I walked over and took his cake, leaving him flabbergasted and Papa. "No cake for you!" I yell and eat the cake and watch everyone laughed and the Master didn't look at me, he wasn't happy at the fact that he lost his cake to a one year old. "Happy birthday (Y/N)." Everyone minus the Master cheered and I smiled.

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