When they Find You

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Ciel Phantomhive

Another trip to London, honestly I wonder how the hell people got things done without the Queen's Guard Dog. I was sent to find a murderer that Scotland Yard has been unable to catch, me and Sebastian were waiting for the criminal when we heard a scream from the alleyway we were waiting by. I saw the man and pulled my pistol and shot him in the arm, Sebastian caught him and then we heard a cry.

I turn to find a infant, looks less than two weeks old. (He/She) had (E/C) and soft (H/C), (He/She) had (S/C) which worked came from the now dead mother. Something inside me wanted to protect this child from the world, and from horrible people who might harm them. Sebastian was confused on what I was doing, but I ignored his confusion and told him to take the murderer to the police.

"Master what are we going to do with the child, surely your not going to raise the child. You can barely take care of yourself without me, much less an infant." Sebastian told me, I gave him a glare and told him I was, he just would have to help more.

Sebastian Michaelis

I was dusting the shelves when the door was being pounded on. I open the door and no person was their but I heard a soft snore, I look down and see a white blanket and in it was a infant. it looked about a day old and I noticed the child had cat ears and a cat tail in (H/C). By the sleeping baby was a note and it read.

Dear Sebastian,
             I know you might not know me but I was the nun at the church you had sex with long ago, well you actually got me pregnant and now your raising a child. (He/She) doesn't have a name and they were born two days ago, please take care of (Him/Her) and don't tell them about me. I don't know how (He/She) was born with cat ears and tail but you'll figure it out, I know you will.

Well damn, I crumble the note and took the child into the warm manor. I sighed and walked into my room, how was I supposed to tell the master now.


I was working on a newly brought corpse when I heard a giggle from the corpse, I saw it was a baby right next to the dead body. I assume it was the child of the dead person, (He/She) had (S/C) that showed (His/Her) (H/C). The child was a few months old and was now an orphan, it's smile for some reason warmed the heart which I thought shrank years ago. I grab a small coffin I was saving for The Earl but it would be used for (Him/Her) instead.

Grell Sutciff

Oh how Will pisses me off, he gave me a pair of sissors to use for defense. How am I supposed to fight my Bassy with these, anyway Will sent me to take two people on the to-die list. That was a piece of red velvet cake, but after I killed the people I heard a cry. I followed the scream to find a baby in a (F/C) crib, (He/She) looked around two months old and (His/Her) (H/C) was in (His/Her) face. I picked up the child and headed home, knowing Will he will yell at me for not finishing the job but FUCK WILL I DO WHAT THE FUCK I WANT!

William T. Spears

Honestly this was not how I wanted to spend my one day off, cleaning up after Ronald and them idiots. They let two people on the to-die list free, I did get them but I got a person not on the to-die list well die. In which a baby began to cry, I took one look at it and I knew what I had to do.

"What am I getting myself into?" I ask out loud and the baby quieted down and fell asleep.

Author's opinion: Hey y'all I'm trying something new, this might get me to do more of these types depending on the results of this book. This is the test dummy but I'll try to get it done but it might be a long while until that will get updated as I will be focusing on my other one I'm working on. Please leave scenario suggestions and I'll work on them when I feel they'll be good additions, well adiou until the next time bye

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