Your First Word

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(Y/N) has been here for about nine months, and right now (He/She) is playing with (His/Her) toy bunny in front of my desk. We called the bunny 'Bugs' so (He/She) knows what it is, as I was finishing a letter to our East India company I had recently bought back. (He/She) then threw Bugs at me, I grew a tick mark and the most cutest thing happened. (He/She) then yelled "Buwgs", I was both pissed and proud at (Him/Her).

"(Y/N), thought I'm happy you can say a word now but it doesn't mean you can throw things at me." I sternly say but (He/She) just giggles and says "Dada Buwgs", I sigh and give back (His/Her) toy after that performance.


It was eight months since (Y/N) was born and arrived to the manor, today I was petting (His/Her) cat like ears and feeling how soft it was in the garden. (Y/N) liked being in the garden to see the manors stray cats which the Master thinks are a nuisance, so there we were sitting in the garden me playing with (Y/N)'s ears and (He/She) playing with a cat that has the same (H/C) as (Y/N).

"Kitty." (Y/N) suddenly burst out saying, I felt proud at (Him/Her) for saying a lovely word. I chuckle and look at (Y/N) and look into (His/Her) gorgeous (E/C) orbs, (He/She) then touched (His/Her) own ears and said "Kitty."

"Yes (Y/N) kitty." I simply say and we keep playing with the cats which (He/She) calls kitty.


I have had (Y/N) for the last six months making them about eight or nine months, life here has been a bit less lonely but filled with more laughter. This morning Scotland Yard had brought me a dead child around 6 or 7, I was a bit sad for the child but that was a new development since (Y/N) had arrived. I get the child all nice and cleaned then (Y/N) called out the most obvious thing in the whole room.

"Dead?" (He/She) asked, I then boom with laughter as I picked up the soon to be toddler.

"Yes dearie, they are dead." I told (Him/Her) and thought (He/She) won't understand that term for years to come they were sad.

"Don't worry they are in a better place with all the candy they want." I said and watched the gloomy child become filled with sunshine again and I went back to work after placing (Him/Her) down for a nap.


I came home with a broken heart as once again Bassy ignored my claims of love again, never the less worked fucking sucked today thanks to Will and overtime.

Ronald was watching (Y/N) for me today so I walked into the living room of my house to see (Y/N) with red paint making Ronald a mess. (Y/N) was about ten months now and was soon about to make (His/Her) first word, I move closer and watched (Y/N) splat paint all over Ronald. 

Then out of nowhere (Y/N) said (His/Her) first word being "Messy" I squealed so loud after picking up (Y/N) that Ronald woke up spitting red paint, I laughed as (Y/N) pointed and said "Messy" again.


Today was my day off so I spent time with (Y/N) as I rarely did, it's been around seven months since I took in (Y/N). (He/She) was now nine months old and around the age to speak, I sipped the tea from my cup and (Y/N) was playing with (His/Her) toy when I spilled some and shouted in pain as it was hot.

"Okay?" (Y/N) asked and I replied not realizing the situation, when it did dawn on my head I gave one of my rare smiles. I made the smile quickly gone and then changed my shirt and spent the rest of the day with my (Son/Daughter).

Authors opinion: Hi everyone here's another chapter, I posted one yesterday but as soon as one is finished I post it. But that's what goes on, now as you know I'm going on vacation in like a day or two but updates are going to be non exsistant so don't bumbard me with questions surrounding the next chapter. But please enjoy the chapter and until the next time see you

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