When You Get Lost

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It was your first time in London, so you were excited as you wanted to see the place that your father dreaded to go. You held his hand tightly but when you guys stopped in a store he went inside and he said not to move from your spot. So you listened but then you saw Elizabeth, and you ran to her side and she was happy to see you. "(Y/N) what are you doing here in London?" She asked and you told her the story and so you decided to stay right by her side.

After sometime you were getting tired and Elizabeth decided to take you to the Phantomhive manor, once you saw the manor you called home you fell asleep leaving poor Elizabeth to be scolded by her fiance/cousin/your father. "Lizzie what are you here, and have you seen (Y/N) they've been missing since I went to-" He stopped speaking as soon as he saw you, sleeping next to her. "Sorry Ciel but they saw me and I couldn't let them go back to you alone and so we had a bonding day." Elizabeth said as she hands you over to your father, who nearly dropped you and then Elizabeth quickly closes the door and she leaves.

Your father sighed and carried you to his room and you went to bed, sleeping next to your father so in the morning you would get scolded.


Today all you did was go further than you normally go, let me explain what I mean. Everyday as long as it's not raining or snowing your outside, playing with the stray cats and once in a while usually around lunch chase a blue jay much to Finny's dismay. But today it was different, it was around lunch time and as you normally do you decided to chase a plump blue jay but you went farther than you ever go. You were told to never go passed the fountain in the front of the manor but you went deep into the forest and lost the bird and it also began to rain, you climbed up into a tree and wrapped your tail around your waist and you were shivering.

"Daddy where are you..." You mumbled some tears falling down your face, then you feel a jacket wrap you. You look up and see your father and his face was shown that he was worried, you didn't fully look at him but you could tell you were in trouble. "Kitten didn't I tell you not to go past the fountain?" He scolded and you nodded but then you blacked out from the cold and rain, when your  father saw you close your eyes he picked you up and took you back to the manor and in the morning the next day you got scolded for going beyond the point where you were supposed to be at.


Today you were helping your father deliver a finished body to the family, normally he wouldn't let you but you didn't have a sitter so he had no choice but to take you. So you were in the wagon being pulled by a donkey and watched your father ride to the church, and when you two got there you were "told" to stay in the wagon.

You waited for sometime until a nun came around, it was sunset time and you didn't have lunch let alone dinner so you were hungry. "Hello child where are your parents?" Asked the nun, you didn't respond as you were told to not speak to strangers but since she looked like someone who you could trust plus she had food. "Daddy is dropping off a dead person, but he's taking forever." You say breaking a rule and then the woman picked you up and you went inside the church.

Dinner was served and you sat next to the other childern in the church, one had black hair with golden eyes another had ash blonde hair and green eyes. (Referencing Black Clover, good anime watch and fall in love)

They were others but they ate before the three of you, they chatted and it was funny until your father came in with the reverand worried written on his face. "(Y/N) where were you? I told you to stay in the wagon until I return." He said while trying not to yell, the nun came to him and explained what happened and he sighed in relief and so you finished dinner and then you fell asleep while you two went home.


Being the child of a Grim Reaper was tough as your father wold be out late at night. But tonight was different, you were going to go with him when he does his To - Die list, you were excited as you wanted to know what his job was like. Everything went smoothly until you were accidently left by your father as he got distracted with a Bassy sighting. So you were stuck in a random house with a kid with bluish grey hair and an eye patch, he didn't look my way and so I walked away not remembering the #1 rule your uncle taught you. 'If you get lost or forgotten stay put and wait until someone finds you.'

You walked for some miles and then you saw a rose bush with blue roses instead of red, so you got excited and went to touch them feeling how velvet they were as you touched them. "(Y/N)!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!" Yelled a familiar voice and you laugh loud enough for him to hear, he came around covered in thorns and dripping some blood but to you he looked funny. "(Y/N) my beautiful (Daughter/Son) you were told to not move if you get lost." He scorned and you were just focused on the blue rose in your hand and Grell sighed as he was happy to find his baby.


Will would never lose you, he was too paranoid when it came to your safety especially with what you are. But this was the first time he lost you and the last time, you were being watched by Grell yet again as your normal sitter quit due to getting a better job. Grell took you to the park to get you interacting with other people, but you sat in the sandbox and played with the sand and sharing with others which was surprising but then you were a *BEEP*. Grell took his eye off you for one minute and you disappeared, and he called Will cause he couldn't find you and Will was both scared and pissed at Grell.

They looked everywhere and then they heard the ice cream truck and a three year old asking for ice cream. They ran and saw you were paying the ice cream man for you ice cream with was (F/F) (Favorite Flavor, I ain't writing it in the guide). You had a red wallet and gave the man some cash and he took the money and gave you a (F/F) with rainbow sprinkles in a cup with a spoon and you began to walk to a bench and eat the ice cream and you looked up and saw two shocked males who were pissed and worried. "(Y/N) Spears where did you go off too?" Your father asked but you shrugged your shoulders and they looked at your eyes and saw they weren't (E/C) but instead a pascal pink, a symbol of being a *BEEP* and Will and Grell were worried.

"(Y/N) dear next time you want ice cream ask Grell, understand child?" Your father asked and you nodded and handed the red headed Grim Reaper back his wallet which you stole and you also got a lecture on why stealing stuff is bad but it didn't click. "Great my (Daughter/Son) is turning into a *BEEP* quicker than one should, I'll have to let Headquarters know soon." Will mumble softly and the day went on as calmly as normally.

Authors opinion: Good day everyone were back, sorry for not posting lately but school started but that's also a good thing as I got my school computer and now since I'm on here more things might come faster than normal. But anyway Will's yeah that's getting closer and did you really expect me to let you know what the fuck you were, not yet but soon possibly the next chapter maybe not sure but anyway I'm gonna let y'all go and until the next chapter bye

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