When they name you

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Me and Sebastian head back to the manor and I take the infant to my room, we didn't get a crib so we made one with a small bed with some pillows.

I look at the (S/C) child, (His/Her) smile brought a rare smile to my face. I chucked softly so I don't scare (Him/Her). I couldn't decide on a name for the child, (He/She) wasn't given a name so it was up to me to name them.

I then remember a name that my mother had said, she said it was the name of my grandmother who died when my mother was around my age.

"How about (Y/N)? Will that work for you child." I asked and the answer I got was some giggles.


I explained the issue to the Master and he allowed me to keep the child. After all it's part human part demon, and we don't want to let (Him/Her) loose to the world.

I took the child to my bed and placed them carefully onto the bed, (His/Her) smile made my non existant heart flutter. I remember from the note that (He/She) didn't get a name so it was my job as a father to name (Him/Her), I look into the child's (E/C) orbs and I then thought of the most perfect name for the Kitten.

"For now your name will be (Y/N), is that alright Kitten?" I ask and (He/She) placed her hand into her mouth and then spit a little, I chuckled at this infant of mine.


I cleaned up the baby in the sink as they might've been contaminated with germs from who know's where. They splashed in the water causing me to get wet but I didn't give a flying fuck. I then dried the child with a towel and carefully made sure the child was dry, personally I didn't care but people would so. 

I found a (F/C) onesie and I put on the infant, thought (He/She) was crying and it was unbearable I got the outfit on and I found a small coffin for the child to replace a tradionial crib but who has time to buy and set up a crib, not this Undertaker no siree.

Then I remember that the small (Male/Female) didn't have a name or it did but I didn't have the time to find out. I thought about what their name would be but all I could think of was nicknames, then one stood out in my mind from a previous body I did a few weeks ago and this looked the right name for the small being.

"(Y/N) that's your name now." I say to no one, I looked and saw the child was sleeping and that made me chuckle but softly as I didn't want to wake the being from sleep.


Boy oh boy was I happy, the two month old was laying on my bed. I had found a doll for the child to play with and (He/She) loves it to high heaven, I knew that being a Grim Reaper and a parent will be hard but all the more fun for me. 

Thinking back the child needed a name but I wasn't going to the library just for the child's book, besides I don't want to know what the poor dear saw even if (He/She) won't remember ten years from now. I looked in a book I had in my study that was filled with names, none were good for my little (Boy/Girl). Then I remember a ex of Will's who's name I loved, and so then I shouted slightly scaring the baby.

"I got it, (Y/N) will be your name!" I exclaim and then (He/She) began to cry.


I found the child's book and saw it's name, which was (Y/N) so I then decided to keep the name since the child had a name.

Author's opinion: Hello people, I know this one hasn't had an update in almost a week I have no clue but it's done. Since I have been writing on my phone and my little brother's computer since my school one had been taken back by the school so I don't get to write as much as I like to without interuptions, but my dad ordered me one and it's coming soon so when it comes and I get it set up more stories will get done. Please leave commets stating what kinds you want and I'll get more done, so until the next time bye peeps

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