Chapter 2

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Six's P.O.V

I looked at the new kid and he gave a smile.

"Well, Mono, you can sit right next to Six on the left." said Mrs. Soyeon.

"Alright." He said calmly.

He walked to his assigned seat and I got so nervous. He sat down and turned his head towards me.

"Hey! I'm Mono, nice to meet you." He said happily while holding out his hand for a shake.

I looked at him then smiled back. By the time I shook his hand, they were so warm. Oh jeez. I blush red and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Mono! I'm Six." I said with cheerfulness.

"That's an interesting name. Six..." he said gently.

I stared at him quite for a long time, admiring him until Two cleared her throat. I snap back in reality then smiled.

"Oh uh, these are my friends, Juan, Two, and Seven." I said, pointing at each one of them.

Mono waved with a bright smile. My friends did the same and he turned back to me.

"Nice meeting you Six. I'm glad I made friends already." He said happily.

"Of course! It's always good to meet someone on the first day of school." I said back.

He nodded with agreement and class started.

(Time Skip)

The bell rang again, meaning it was lunch time. I sat on our main table that my friends and I usually sit. I drank a bottle of water until Two sat by me.

"Hey!" She said with a smile.

"Wassup." I smirk.

"What do you think about Mono? The new kid at our school?"

I thought about it for a second until I looked at her.

"Um, he's nice," I responded.

"Nice? Just nice?" Two laughed.

"Whaaat? What else can I say instead of 'nice'?" I said.

"Uhh, I don't know."

"Then there's your answer."

Two looks at me like I was a lunatic. Seven and Juan sat by us at the table and Mono did as well, sitting beside me. Oh god, help me.

"Hey girls! Mono is officially part of our group." Seven said.

"Yaay!" Two smiled.

I nodded my head then looked out into distance. Why do I have this feeling? The feeling of I might have feelings for him in the future? My stomach is always filled with butterflies around him, I smile a lot when he's around, and I get nervous.

"Six?" Mono questions.

"Are you okay?"

I snapped back into reality then turned my head, looking at Mono and seeing him with a small worry face.

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I answered.

He chuckles then touches my shoulder. I blush and I felt speechless.

"I'm just asking because I care about you. I'm glad you're okay, you look frozen when you space out." He said.

"Ohh yeah, I do that." I replied.

Mono gave a warm smile then Seven smirks.

"Ooooh, Mono, I dare you to kiss Six on the cheek." He said.

"What? Why? Are we playing truth or dare now? Six and I just met a couple minutes ago." Mono said.

"Well, at least do it for me."

Mono rolls his eyes then looks at me.

"You don't you? Kissing you on the cheek since Seven's gonna be a baby about it?"

"Excuse me?!" Seven screeched.

"You heard me Sev!" Mono said with attitude.

I giggled a little then shook my head.

"I don't mind at all since it's just a dare." I said.

"Yeah Mono. It's just a dare." Seven mumbled.

"Sev, do you want to get killed?" Mono asked.

"Yeah, by a small brown headed man like you."

Mono sighs then looks at me again. I smiled then he leaned towards me slowly then...

It happened.

He puts his lips on my cheek softly and I blush mad red.

"Oooooh someone has a crush." Two smirks.

"What?! N-no I don't!" I called.

Mono chuckles then pats my head. He looked away then I looked at his face, seeing him blushing red as well.

(At The End Of The Day...)

I grabbed my bag then head towards the school doors until Mono caught up to me.

"Hey Six!" He said with a smile.

"Hey Mono! How are you?" I said with a smile as well.

"I'm doing good, you?"


We laughed together then went outside of the school, walking on the concrete.

"So, did you like the dare?" Mono asked.

"Uh, to be honest....yes." I said shyly.

"Aww, me too. I actually never kissed a girl before in my life since no one is really attractive to me."


"Yeah. They think I'm scary or some kind of monster I am even though I'm not."

I nodded then stopped walking. Mono did the same then looked confused.

"What's up?" He asked.

I sighed then tears formed in my eyes. I took a breath, then breathed out. I looked up at Mono then grabbed his hand.

"Mono, you know just because you're different, that doesn't mean you're dangerous. You are you. People just don't know what it's like to be in your shoes of how being treated differently from other people. Who cares what others think? If they think about what they're thinking, just let it be. Because one day, they'll see how truly kind and gentle you are by just being yourself. So, don't care what others words or thoughts, just focus on the things that are in front of you now, okay?" I said.

"Because, I've been treated differently in the past, so I want to help someone who are treated the same way like me, that being different is just normal in life. I just want to treat people the way I want to be treated, but that never happened until I met Two and the others...and you, of course. So, don't mind about people, okay?"

Mono looks at me then smiles.

"Okay, I promise." He said gently.

I nodded then smiled as well. He let go of my hand then wraps his arms around me.

"I...I love you." Mono said quietly.

"I love you too, Mono." I said with a smile, feeling happiness inside.

Later, we walked to our apartments and we found out that we were both neighbors. I said my goodbye to him and he did the same. I opened the door and shut it behind me. I place my bag beside my bed and sat down on it, thinking about Mono. Maybe I am starting to have feelings for him, but that is just the start of it.

To be continue...

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