Chapter 6

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Mono's P.O.V

Six broke the kiss and I stood there, staring at her eyes. She giggles and puts her head against my chest. I smiled and put my hand on her head, meaning she's precious to me.

"I love you from a long time." I said gently while kissing her head.

"Me too. Do you think we'll be together in the future?" Six asked.

"Yes. Of course. I promise you we'll be together."

She smiled and I kissed her lips again. Six blushes and snuggles into my chest while squealing. Oh jeez.

"Quit it!" She squealed again.

"What? I didn't do anything." I chuckled.

We looked at each others eyes and smiled. I actually can't believe I'm dating a Six. Really.

Later, I sat down on the couch and Six jumps on it beside me. I looked at her and gave her a confuse look.

"What?" She said.

"Nothing. You're just funny." I smirked.

"Pfft, whatever."

I glared at Six and then tickled her waist. She started to scream then laughs. I laugh too, showing my true happiness towards her.

"M-Mono, STOP!" She squealed.

"Noooo!" I played along.

Then she was strong enough just to push me on the bottom. She got on top of me and smiled.

"Gotcha." She smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. I can still tickle you even if you're on top of me." I smirked back.

She hesitated a little and I began tickling her waist again. Six laughs and squeals like before which is soooo adorable! Six falls on top of me and we laughed together. (Me: such a cute moment damn!)

"I love you so much." She said quietly.

"Hm, love you too Six." I smiled while rubbing her back slowly.

This is a perfect moment. The happiest moment. The best moment. I just know one day in the future, I'll marry her and have a child or two in my life, happiness with it.

(Three days later...)

Six's P.O.V

I walked with Mono to school and I smile A LOT when we were talking. His voice is so calming and gentle. He tells me the same thing, but I'm loud and noisy.

We arrived at the school and I held Mono's hand. He smirks then kisses it. I blush red with a smile. He did as well and pulls me closer to him. We went inside of the school and Two walks up to us with a big ass smile on her face.

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!!" She screamed in excitement.

"Yes we are." I said calmly.

Juan and Seven looked at her and stayed silent for a while.

"I'm so happy, I could really punch someone in the face!" Two screeched.

"You can do that to Seven." Juan said quietly.

Seven punches his arm and scoffs.

"Excuse me!?" He said.

"You're excuse."

I started to laugh and Two did as well.

Time skip after class and lunch, I was walking by my locker until someone pushed me against the lockers. I grunt and see Ray with a smirk.

Being Different - Six X Mono (Little Nightmares)Where stories live. Discover now