Chapter 10

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Six's P.O.V

I used my powers to defeat Mono, but it was too impossible. He knew what and when I was heading him at.

"Six! Stop attacking me! Please!" He begged.

I didn't respond and started to be in rage. I picked Mono up and threw him to a wall. I started to choke him as well and I couldn't control myself. But, someone stops me again. I looked at Mono and then at the person who stopped me.


Juan and Two helped Mono up and I got more madder than ever. I push Seven away and walked to Mono. Everything started to swirl and turn into a tornado. I went up to Mono and had my hand into a fist with dark flares.

"If you want to die with Ray so bad, then you can die with him!" I said in a deep voice.

"S-Six...stop. You don't have to do this...even if you kill me..."

I was about destroy him with my strongest power, until I heard him say this.

"I...I love you Six. Okay?"

I stopped. Remembering he told me he loved me. Saying that, made me feel weak. Everything was still swirling around until Mono got up and used his power on me, making the biggest static ball ever. It was so bright, I couldn't even see. It blinded me and he pushed it against me, feeling the worst pain in my life.

I flew across the hallway and hit a wall. I yelled in pain. So much pain, my tears welled up. Everything had calmed down. I couldn't even get up. I couldn't breathe either. The shocking pain. It hurts so much.

Mono walks up to me and I could barely move. I slowly tried to get up since every move I take, the pain hurts even more.

"S-Six? Is it you?" Mono said gently.

He reached out his hand and I smacked it away from me.

"Get away from me!" I yelled, feeling the pain.

"No, Six, listen-"

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled again.

I whimpered in pain. Damn, the static spark really hurts. No wonder why Mono said his powers were stronger than mine.

I got up and ran to the doors. I push them open and I could barely run. My tears fell down and I fell to my knees. I began to cry in tears. The pain hurts like hell. Mono just used his static powers on me just to stop the evilness inside, but doesn't know how much he hurt me.

I couldn't feel myself breathing. I began to pass out, feeling like my life is ending here.

Mono's P.O.V

I went outside and see Six on the floor. I ran to her and picked her up.

"Six! Are you okay? SIX! ANSWER ME PLEASE! STAY WITH ME!" I begged.

She didn't say anything. I sighed and went to my apartment. I went to my room and lay her down on the bed. I got an ice pack and lifted her shirt up, seeing a black bruise on her waist. Oh my god. I hurt her that bad?

I put the ice pack on the bruise and put the covers over her. I put my ear against her chest for her heart beat then checked her pulse. Good. She's alive.

I looked at Six for a moment and my tears fell.

"I'm sorry for hurting Princess. I'm so sorry. It was the only choice I had for shadow Six to go away." I said gently.

I kissed her hand and then her head. I walked away from the room and closed the door. I sat on the couch and sighed sadly for hurting Six. I wander if she'll be okay. I'm just worried about her. I know she's gonna be in so much pain when she wakes up. I feel so bad.

There was silence in the living room. The only thing that filled in my head was Six. It was the only thing I could do. The only way to destroy her evil self, was to destroy herself. Six. Her human self.


I walked inside of my room, seeing Six up. I smiled a little then walked up to her.

"Hey Princess. How are you feeling?" I asked.

She looks at me then looks away. I stared at her for a moment then turned her head to me. Six stares at me with her eyes, looking so tired. I stared back and then touched her cheek, rubbing my thumb on it. She closes her eyes and touches my hand. I smiled warmly but she didn't. Six began to cry softly and I hugged her. I rubbed her back slowly and kisses her head over and over.

"I'm sorry Mono...for hurting you. I'm such a monster." Six said while crying.

"No, no. It's not your fault. You just couldn't control yourself, that's all. And it's okay Six. Don't blame yourself, and you're not a monster. You're just you and I believe that. I love you okay?" I said gently.

Six looks up at me and gives me the cutest smile with her tears. I wiped them away and kissed her lips gently. I looked at her again and we both smiled again.

"I love you too Mono." She said quietly.

I nodded slowly and hugged her.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked.

"Yeah...a little."

I looked at her waist and it was purple. I slightly smirked then kissed her bruise. She grunts cutely and blushes red. I smiled and kissed it over and over. Snuggling it as well. Six squeals and giggles.

"M-Mono!" She laughs.

"Oh my god. You're so cute!" I said.

I went up to her face and kiss her lips. I pulled away, looking at her face. She blushes pink with a happy smile on her face. I held her hand and kissed it as well, meaning how much she means to me in my world.

Being Different - Six X Mono (Little Nightmares)Where stories live. Discover now