Chapter 8

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Six's P.O.V

Mono pulls away from me then gives me a warm smile. I flipped him over and giggled. He rolls his eyes with a smirk then kisses my lips once again. I rest my head on his chest and breathed slowly.

I looked around my room and realized what mess I caused. I looked up at him and he made eye contact with me.

"Um, Mono, can you help me clean my room?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course I will." He said with a laugh.

I got off of him then went to the kitchen to grab a trash bag. I went back to my room and we started to clean up the glass and trash that was all over the place. Mono picked up the papers and I neatly fixed my bed. I vacuumed as well and he puts my books back to their original place in order.

Later, we finished and all we had to do left, was hang the picture frames from the living room and we eventually did. After we finished in a few minutes, I sat on the couch and sighed. Mono sits right next to me and holds my hand.

"Six, there is something I want to tell you. Something that I need to admit." He said shyly.

"Oh, and that is what?" I asked.

Before he could say anything else, there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened it, seeing Two, Juan, and Seven.

"SIX! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did Mono make you cry?" Two asked quickly like she was my mom.

"Excuse me?" Mono said.

"Uh, no. He didn't make me cry, I didn't get hurt, and yes, I'm fine." I smiled.

"Okay, good. Because Ray, is a FUCKING ASSHOLE and he can go die in a fucking whole in the ocean where all the bodies has been thrown out by muderers and die in the depths!"

"Babe, calm down." said Juan.

"What?! How can I calm down after what happened to my best friend?!"

While Two was screeching at Juan, I looked at Mono and shook my head.

"She's always like this when I get hurt or something. Over protective." I said.

"Ohh, I...I can see that." Mono chuckles.

My friends and I hanged out later on and we were all pretty chilled out after what happen between me, Mono, Ray, and Ray's friends and after knowing that my friends saw me having dark powers. They think it's cool. I'm glad I have friends like this. Even a boyfriend too. I've never known that having a boyfriend will get me this far in my life.

(Few weeks, time skip)

I was walking on the concrete to my apartment from the dance studio. Two and I were just chatting how we were gonna dance and do our daily thing for practicing as usual.

Soon, we said our goodbyes and went to our own apartments. By the time I put my keys in, trying to unlock my door, I heard a loud sparking noise from Mono's apartment. I took out my keys quickly and knocked at the door.

"Mono? Is everything alright in there?" I said in a panic.

The door opened wide and he smiled with some hair sticking up.

"Oh, hey Six! I-I didn't know you were coming here. How are you?" He asked with a bright smile.

"I'm doing good, you?" I giggled.

"I'm doing good as well." He chuckles.

I nodded and there was silence between us. Mono clears his throat then looks at me and I made eye contact with him.

"So, um, I want to ask you if you...want to go to a restaurant together." He said while blushing.

I blush red and then smiled.

"Of course I'll go with you. What time?" I asked.

"Five o'clock? If that's okay?" He said nervously.

"Sure! I'll be free then." I said with a bright smile.

He did too then said,

"Um, I'll meet you there soon, so...yeah." he chuckles.

I giggled then waved at him goodbye. He did the same then closed the door. I stood there for a moment and thought about his hair. No. Like, his hair had a static line between the thin pieces of it. Did he get electrocuted? I thought about it while I went to my apartment. I went inside and then went to my room.

I sat down on my chair and thought about his hair for a moment. Yes. I like his hair SO much, I can't even stop thinking about it. I'm kidding, but seriously, what was the spark in his hair? Does he have powers like me?

I tried not to overthink about his magical, static hair, so I grabbed my guitar and wrote my own songs and practice some songs that I know of from popular singers.

While I kept playing, I thought about Mono. I smiled when I see his handsome, cute face and his voice. Oh. My. God. His voice is so ATTRACTIVE!! Even his laugh too. I squealed a little when I thought about this. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote him a love song. I kept singing it over and over. Playing with the guitar too.

"I~ I promise to love you. I promise to never leave you. I promise not to let you go. I promise to keep you. I promise to sa-a-ave you. I even promise to be with you.

You're so spe-cial to me. It makes me never wan-na leave. I even promise you, I'll never ever hurt your feelings. Because you really matter, you don't understand how much it is to me in my point of view. And just remember, I'll always be there for you~"

I looked at my notes and then looked around for a moment. Silence filled in the room and I took a big breath and smiled. I looked at the clock and it was only four. I put my guitar and my notebook away then got ready.

I put on a black top that shows part of my shoulders with a white knee skirt with pink blossoms on a branch on it and black flats. Since my hair is half way of my shoulders, I curled them and put eyeliner and mascara with light eye shadow just to had a little bit of touch. I didn't put lipstick on since I didn't have any and plus, I'm not that type of girl who wears a lot of makeup. Why am I talking about this? Anyways, I put some lips gloss on and used tissue to get the extra stuff off.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, thinking how good I look because it's just me. Being myself. I grabbed my bag and shut the door behind me. I walked down to the apartment stairs and then see Mono wearing a black suit with a black tie. His hair was the same and I smiled when he did.

"You look gorgeous." He said while holding out his hand for mine.

I blush red and politely took his hand.

"Thank you, you're very, very handsome this afternoon." I said.

He chuckles then kisses my head and head towards to the restaurant while holding hands.

To be continue...

(Which I'll make all the chapters by tomorrow XD I might even finish all of this by tomorrow or the next. Who knows? :3)

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