Chapter 7

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Mono's P.O.V

I pushed people out of my way and ran after Six, but the problem is: I didn't know where she went. Even though I predict she'll be at her apartment.

I ran to the location of her apartment which it was by mine. I knocked at the door several times and it didn't open. I sadly sighed until I opened it instead. I poked out of the door and looked around. The room was kinda messy with picture frames on the floor.

I close the door behind me then wander around the apartment for a moment until I met up with her bedroom door. I knocked on it lightly so I won't startle her.

"Six? It's me, Mono." I called out.

She didn't seem to answer, so I went inside of the room. By the time I did, everything was even MORE messier. Objects had been broken on the floor, posters were ripped, papers scattered around, and her blankets and pillows were messed up.

"Six?" I called again.

I stood looking for her until I see a cute girl bundle up in a ball. I smiled a little and approached her quietly.

"Princess? Are you okay?" I asked gently.

Six looks up slowly and her eyes were pinkish red. I can tell she's been crying while I wasn't here at her apartment earlier. I squat down and was about to touch her cheek until she backed away.

"Go away, Mono." She said quietly.

"Huh? Why? I'm not afraid of you." I said calmly.

"Yes you are. You're only saying that because nothing is happening..."

"I'm not afraid. I promise."

"YES YOU ARE!" She yelled furiously and black particles burst out from her.

I backed away, making me fall on the ground. She even did as well, looking like she was afraid of herself.

"I'm sorry~" she said while putting her head on her knees then began to cry softly.

I took a deep breath then sat in front of her again.

"Six, look, I know you're upset. People just don't know what it's like to be you, even in your own shoes. Don't cry because you're different or about the people. You have your own things to do okay? Be happy that you're yourself. Sometimes people want to be just like someone else, but they'll realize they don't want to be that 'perfect' person because..."

I lifted her head up by her chin then warmly smiled.

"They want to be themselves instead." I said.

Six looks at me with her teary eyes then touches my hand. She thrust her arms around my neck then cries on my shoulder. I awed then wrap my arms around her waist, rubbing her back slowly.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to tell you that I had dark powers when we met because I was afraid you might think I was a monster." She said quietly again.

"Aww, no. I don't think you're a monster in a scary way, you're a cute one. The one who's caring, smart, beautiful, and kind hearted. I don't care if you're different, what matter is you're human like me." I said while kissing her head.

She looks back at me then smiles.

"I love you." Six said while putting her hands on my chest.

I put my hand on hers and pull her close to me by my face.

"I love you too, Princess." I said with a smile.

She stares at me for a moment then I let her sit on my lap. She plays with my hair with her fingers which is really relaxing. Then, I kiss her lips and slowly put my tongue inside. Six puts her hands on my cheeks and she puts hers inside as well.

She pulls away and a clear line trailed between us and I smirked. I touch her thighs with my hands then slowly went up, lifting her skirt to her hips. I rubbed them slowly and harshly, giving her a pain with my love. I kissed her neck and she softly moans. I stopped what I was doing then stand up.

She did as well and I moved the pillows out of the way then pushed her down on the bed. I got on top of her quickly and I start to kiss and suck her neck. I bit it gently at times and made her moan more. I pin her hands on the bed too and slipped my fingers between the spaces of hers. Six moans softly but loudly again. I kinda want to be rough on her, but not too much.

I kiss her neck once more then switch it to her lips. I kiss her again and felt myself heating up. I pulled away and put my body against hers then put my hand on her cheek.

"You're so beautiful." I said gently.

Six slightly giggles and blushes red. She puts her fingers through my hair with her arms around my neck.

"You're handsome as well." She said softly.

I smirked then kiss her lips once more, telling her how beautiful she is even when she is different in her own way.

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